Craig Brougher, Author of:
Orchestrion Builder's Manual and Pneumatics Handbook

Installing & Regulating

A Newly Released 2-DVD Set By Craig Brougher -Click Here

This 2-DVD set covers the complete installation and regulation
process with regards to the early Ampico-Amphion system
Price and Ordering Information

About the DVDs:

The primary purpose of the set is to show the user, in a step-by-step fashion, the many things you need to know to make the system work smoothly and correctly for years to come. Modification techniques are shown that are not written in any book or publication, and the reasons for their necessity are fully explained. All of the aspects of installing the stack are well documented, including slight changes that make the job much easier. Also, typical pitfalls are examined so that the rebuilder doesn't make accidental mistakes that could take hours to undo.

From sizing a new rotary pump belt, to making a new bellyman cover, to an extremely accurate method of regulating the piano action to the player action, this presentation is thorough in every aspect.

In these DVDs:

A. The bench regulation and tests, necessary modifications and adjustments for;
1. Early style drawer
2. Primary valve stack tricks
3. Crescendos
4. Intensity expression system

B. Full Installation Procedure of the player under the grand
1. The easiest method to install
2. The logical order
3. Tubing up
4. Belly cloth

C. Final Regulation of the Player and the Piano, and a Performance
1. How to begin
2. Correct order of regulation of the player
3. Problems encountered between piano and player
4. Damper Adjustments
5. Final Checkout

This tape and information is thorough and sensitive. You will watch a full two hours of conscientious installation and regulation. You'll probably have to watch it several times to get all the information given. It is highly applicable to all players in many ways, and there are secrets and tricks in this video that have never been revealed to hobbyists or new rebuilders.

The later model Ampicos are easier to regulate than the earlier Ampico. If you can do an early Ampico well, you will have no problem with a later one. The principles to both are revealed in this video, and there should be no difference in their performance.

E-Mail to: John A. Tuttle
Phone No: 732-840-8787

The 2-DVD set sells for $38.95 (plus $10.95 S/H -within the US) Order the set Today!

To Order Your Copy via Credit Card Today
Go to the "Secure CDs and DVDs Order Form" - CLICK HERE
Reasonably Priced at $38.95

Two Slim Jewel Cases and Information Sheet shipped in a USPS Priority Flat Rate Envelope.

OR, Send Payment by Check, Money Order, or Bank Draft in US Dollars to:
John A Tuttle
407 19th Ave
Brick, New Jersey

Other Fine Articles by Craig Brougher
[Ampico A/B Comparison]   [Tuning Pin Tighteners]   [Importance of Valves]
[Hammer Lift Rail]   [Using Hide Glue]   [Regulating Dampers]
[Rebuilding AMPICO Block Valves]

This page was last revised on September 8, 2023

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