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"Tips and Tricks"

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Reference Materials

For the Listing of 1250+ Articles Written by John A Tuttle for the Mechanical Music Digest - CLICK HERE

Adjusting or Timing an Air Motor
Adjusting the Valve Travel (or Gap) of the Standard Secondary Valves
Adjusting the Timing of the Air Motor
Adjusting Roll Brakes
Adjusting the Take-Up Spool
Aeolian Auto-Off Feature
Aeolian 'On-Off' Cherry Switch
Aeolian Control Buttons and Levers (modern)
Aeolian Drive Chuck Problem
Aeolian: Leaking Air Motor I
Aeolian: Leaking Air Motor II
Aeolian Player -Known Problems
Aeolian Player -List of Problems
Aeolian Player -More Problems
Aeolian Player-Problems
Aeolian Player: Removing the Piano Action
Aeolian Player: Tuning the Piano
Aeolian Player: Rebuilding Aeolian Plastic Block Valves
Aeolian Player: Rebuilding the Stack
Aeolian Player: Electric Vacuum Pump Quit
Aeolian Player: Cleaning the Motor Brushes
Aeolian Player: Removing the Vacuum Pump Box
Aeolian Player -More Tests and Recommendations
Aeolian Player -Installing the Take-Up Spool
Aeolian Player: Vacuum Pump Box
Ailing Modern Aeolian Player -Advice For..
Air Motor Timing
Aligning the Take-Up Spool in the Spoolbox
Classic Player - Rewind Problem
Cloth Removal Techniques - Ways to remove bellows cloth from ...
Coating Protects Against Valve Seat Corrosion
Covering Feeder Bellows
Devices and Procedures for Testing Player Pianos
Dual-Stage Electronic Voltage Controller for Vacuum Pump Kit
Electric Vacuum Pump Won't Fit in the Piano
Gluing Striker Pneumatics to the Tier
How the 4-Hole Tracker Works
Installing an Ampico-Amphion stack in a grand piano
Installing Leather Nuts
Kimball E & F Transmission Removal and Installation
Lauter-Humana Block Valves -Dismantling
Lauter-Humana Tracking Device
Laying Trackerbar Tubing
Leaking Air Motor
Moving the Upper Deck of the Kimball Electromatic
Pinhole Leaks in Bellows
Pouch-to-Valve Clearance
Rebuilding a Nickelodeon Drum Beater
Rebuilding Schultz Valve Pneumatics
Rebushing Striker Fingers
Recovering Bellows
Regulating the Lauter-Humana stack to the piano action
Regulating the piano action and the player action
Regulating the Stack to the Piano Action
Regulating the Sticker Rods in a Grand Player
Rejuvenate Old Bellows Cloth
Removing Old Lead Tubing
Removing Old Bellows Cloth
Removing Old Lead Trackerbar Tubing from the Windchest or Stack
Removing and Installing Pouch Rings in the modern Universal Player Piano
Removing Striker Pneumatics
Removing the Player and Piano Actions
Removing the piano action from a Wurlitzer 1203 spinet player piano
Repairing Crushed Lead Trackerbar Tubing
Replacing Aeolian (modern) Block Valves
Retubing a Transposing Trackerbar
Retubing the Windchest
Sealing Accordion Bellows
Sealing Valves
Seeburg Rewind Device
Simplex Leaks
Simplex Tracking System
Simplex Problems
Stack Regulation
Standard Automatic 4-Hole Tracking Device
Stiffeners in Exhauster Bellows
Technical Articles
Testing Internal Flap Valves in the Exhauster Assembly
Testing the Lower Section - Exhauster Assembly
Testing Old Bellows Cloth
The 3-D Finishing Technique
Themodist Player System
Understand How Vacuum Does Work in a Player Piano
Understanding the Pouch in a Player Piano
Understanding the Standard Tracker
Universal Pouch Problems
Wurlitzer 1203 Roll Tracking Problem
Wurlitzer Problems

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John A Tuttle

This page was last revised February 25, 2023 by John A. Tuttle, who Assumes No Liability
For The Accuracy or Validity of the Statements and/or Opinions
Expressed within the Pages of the Player-Care Domain.

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