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Technical Articles and Info.
4-Hole Tracker System
Advantages of Phenoseal
Aeolian Block Valves -New
Aeolian Stack Rebuilding
All about Valves
Amphion Block Valves (Pix)
Amphion Vent Block Prob.
Ampico Function Switches
Ampico Block Valves
Ampico A/B Comparison
Ampico A -Early Problems
Angelus/Amphion Action
Articles at MMDigest
Articles by Craig Brougher
Articles by John A Tuttle
Auto Shut-Off Device
Basic Operating Principle
Building a Vacuum Gauge
Bush & Lane Players
Checking Block Valves
Coinola X Explained
Diagram (Lauter-Humana)
Different Player Systems
"Dishing" the Pouches
Duo-Art Models
Duo-Art Service Manual
Electrone Player Device
Evaluate the Piano First
Facts about Bellows Cloth
Facts about Hide Glue
Facts about Pin Tighteners
Facts about Shellac
Finding the Serial Number
Four Popular Actions
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequent Questions (Pt 2)
General Leakage Test
Glossary of Terms
Half Duo-Art
Hanta Virus Alert
History Of The Player
Hot Hide Glue Q&A
How to Operate a Player
How Vacuum Works
Humidity and Pianos
Installing a Heating Bar
Installing A/M Bushings
Kranich-Bach Player Sys.
Lauter-Humana Block Valve
Lauter-Humana Information
Lauter-Humana Roll Tracker
Lead Poisoning & Players
Leaking Aeolian Air Motors
Leather Nut Tool
List of Piano Makers
List of Player Technicians
Listing of Major Pages
Lock and Cancel Valves
Making New Pneumatics
Metal Stemmed Valves
Modern Player Pianos
More Tracker Bar Info
Moth Damage in Pianos
Musty Odors in Pianos
Nickelodeon Information
Notable Player Pianos
Old "65-Note" Aeolian
Piano Key Balance
PinTite Frames Page
Player Actions Described
Player Piano Makers
Player Serial Numbers
Play/ReRoll Lever
Preface: "I Love a Player"
Questions & Answers
Rebuilding Principles
Regulating Dampers
Regulating Lauter Stack
Regulating the Ampico
Removing Block Valve
Removing the Player Stack
Removing A/M Rods
Reproducing Pianos
Restoration Materials
Re-Tubing a Trackerbar
Re-Wiring a Player
Roll Tracking Problems
Rules of Player Piano Care
Search Player-Care
Solenoid Player Pianos
Some Rebuilding Tips
Tech. Manuals & Reprints
Technical Articles List
Technicians Input Form
Testing the Air-Motor
Testing the Stack
Testing the Stack (more)
Testing the Player Piano
The Air-Motor Governor
The Hammer Lift Rail
The Lower Section
The Pianola (Themodist)
The Player Transmission
The Standard Tracker
The 'Sting' from Aeolian
Tips and Tricks
Trackerbar Pix (re-tubing)
Tracking Problems
Tuners' Journal Articles
Universal Player Parts
Value of Old Players
Welte Recording System
What is a Themodist
Wurlitzer 1203 Tech Notes
Wurlitzer Roll Changer

Music Rolls & Related Info.
Ampico Roll Coding
Ampico A & B Test Rolls
"Augmented" by John Tuttle
Basic Player Operation
Buy Direct & Save
"Ching-Chong" is Back!!
Correct Pedal Pumping
Discontinued QRS Rolls
Do-It-Yourself Repairs
Duo-Art Test Roll
Finding the Serial Number
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequent Questions (Pt 2)
How to Operate a Player
How to 'Pump the Bar'
InLux Editions Rolls
Kevin McElhone Rolls
Keystone Music Rolls
'Knocking the Roll'
Meliora Music Rolls
Modern Player Pianos
Music Roll Auctions
Music Roll History
Music Rolls & New Jersey
Nickelodeon 'O' Rolls
Old Roll Catalogs
Paragon Rolls
QRS Test Rolls
Repairing Ripped Rolls
Reproducing Piano Rolls
Roll Arranging/Duo-Art
Roll Duplicating Service
Roll Makers/Dealers
Roll Tracking (Good/Bad)
Roll Sizes - What Works?
Rollography Bks/Catalogs
Search Player-Care
Solenoid Player Pianos
Testing your Player Piano
The Missing Four Minutes
Trackerbar Pump & Parts
Tracking Problems
Used Music Rolls/Care
Using a QRS Test Roll
Value of Old Players
Welte-Mignon Test Roll

Technicians - General Info.
Asian Technicians List
Australian Tech List
Basic Operating Guide
Brougher Restorations
Canadian Tech Listing
Central US Tech Listing
Complete Technicians List
Customer Testimonials
Eastern US Tech Listing
European Tech List
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequent Questions (Pt 2)
Future of Mechanical Music
Glossary of Terms
List of MIDI Files
List of Piano Makers
List of Piano Movers
Listing of MAJOR Pages
Manufacturers List 2001
Modern Player Pianos
Piano & Organ Movers
Player Piano Makers
Roll Makers/Dealers
Search Player-Care
Southern US Tech Listing
Technical Articles Listing
Technical Book Listing
Testing the Player Piano
The Links Page
Tips and Tricks
Value of Old Players
Western US Tech Listing
Restoration - Repair - Care
Accessing a Player Action
Adjusting an Air Motor
Adjusting Chain Tension
Adjusting Finger Trackers
Adjusting Lauter Air Motors
Adjusting the Brakes
Adjusting Take-Up Spool
Advantages of Phenoseal
Aeolian Action Removal
Aeolian Block Valves (New)
Aeolian Cherry Switch Rep.
Aeolian - Known Problems
Aeolian (modern) Problems
Aeolian - Auto Shut-Off
Aeolian Power Cords
Aeolian - Stack Rebuild
Aeolian - Tuning/Adjusting
Aeolian Vacuum Pump
Ampico 'A' Restoration
Ampico Pump Flaps Valves
Ampico Valve Blocks
Articles at MMDigest
Articles by Craig Brougher
Articles by John A Tuttle
Basic Operating Guide
Basic Operating Principles
Basic Rebuilding Prices
Brougher Restorations
Build a Vacuum Gauge
Buy Direct & Save
'Classic' Rewind Problem
Coating Valve Seats
Covering Exhauster Bellows
Credit Cards & Player-Care
Cremona & Seeburg Lamps
Do-It-Yourself Repairs
Devices for Player Testing
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequent Questions (Pt 2)
Getting the Job Started
Gluing Heavy Bellows Cloth
Gluing Strikers to Tier
Good Piano Care Rules
Gulbransen Air Motor
Gulbransen Glued Stack
Hot 'Synthetic' Glue Guns
How Much Cloth is Needed
Installing Leather Nuts
Kimball Block Valves
Kimball E-F Transmission
Kohler & Campbell Pictures
Ladder Chain Instructions
Lauter-Humana Block Valve
Leaking Aeolian Air Motors
Leather Nut Tool
List of Piano Makers
List of Player Technicians
Listing of ALL Pages
Listing of MAJOR Pages
Low Humidity Problems
Mandolin Attachment
Manufacturers List 2001
Mechanical Tracking Device
Modern Player Pianos
More About Pouches
My Old Piano (Keep?)
Notes That Stay "ON"
Parts & Supplies
Player Piano Makers
Player Piano Movers
Pouches and Sealing
Previous Work/Thumbpix
QRS Test Rolls
Quality of a Player Piano
Rebuilding the Player
Rebuilding Standard Valves
Rebushing an Air Motor
Rebushing Striker Fingers
Recovering Bellows
Recovering Exhausters
Regulating Sticker Rods
Regulating the Stack
Rejuvenate Bellows Cloth
Removing Lead Tubing
Removing Bellows Cloth
Removing the Player Action
Removing Striker Bellows
Repairing Lead Tubing
Repairing Ripped Rolls
Replacing Block Valves
Resurfacing the Air Motor
Re-tubing the Trackerbar
Re-tubing the Windchest
Sealing Accordion Bellows
Sealing Standard Valves
Search Player-Care
Simplex Automatic Tracker
Simplex Block Valves
Simplex Problems
Simplex Won't Play
Stiffeners in Exhausters
Technical Articles
Testing the Player Piano
The Trackerbar Pump
Tips and Tricks
Training DVD's and CDs
Tubing Diagram-Lauter
Tubing Diagram-Standard
Universal Pouch Problem
Universal Pouch Rings
Universal Power Cord
Universal Stack-Installing
Used Player Piano Parts
Used Take-Up Spools
Where Mr Brougher Lives
Where John Tuttle Lives
Wurlitzer 1203 Problems

Players -- Parts -- Supplies
Add-On Accessory Devices
Advantages of Phenoseal
Aeolian-Type Block Valves
Bellows Cloth
Books & References
Build a Vacuum Gauge
Buy Direct & Save
Deluxe Automation Kit
Do-It-Yourself Repairs
Electric Vacuum Pump Kits
Evaluate the Piano First
Finding the Serial Number
Frequently Asked Questions
Glossary of Terms
How a Player Piano Works
How to Operate a Player
List of Piano Makers
Mandolin Attachment
Manufacturers List 2001
Mech. Music Sources
Modern Player Pianos
More Frequent Questions
More Supplies
Parts & Supplies
Phenoseal - (Sealer)
Player Piano Makers
Search Player-Care
Testing the Air-Motor
Testing the Stack
Testing the Player Piano
Tips and Tricks
Trackerbar Tubing
Universal Player Pianos
Universal Pouch Problem
Universal Valves/Pushers
Used Player Parts
Vacuum Pump Kits
Value of Old Players

Contact - Search - 4-Free
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All about 'DIPUTS'
Border Guards
Contact John Tuttle
Cute Story about a Player
Defending Christmas
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Frequent Questions (Pt 2)
Glossary of Terms
Hanta Virus Alert
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Listing of MAJOR Pages
Listing of 600+ Pages
Love: For Nothing!
Manufacturers List 2001
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Page last revised December 23, 2020 by John A. Tuttle, who Assumes No Liability
For The Accuracy or Validity of the Statements and/or Opinions
Expressed within the Pages of the Player-Care Domain.
Cartoon Graphics by E7 Style Graphics (Eric Styles)

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