has been a long and extensive thread in the MMD this month of June, 2009, about
treating pouches in player pianos. It's a kinda fun topic and I enjoyed reading
about the different methods of sealing leather. Basically, the sealants
recommended in the letters ranged around these, primarily: '
Rubber Cement '
White '
glue, thinned '
Oil and Mink Oil ' Pure Silicone Grease, thinned I'll take
these individually because each is worth a comment, pro and con. But let it be known that it's not just the
sealant that's important, but also the method. I'll also talk a little about
the leather you're using and what NOT to use, as well as which leathers are the
best. Pouch
leathers today are far different than original pneumatic leathers of
yesteryear. Back in the heyday of player pianos, it was very important to have
tight leather, unsealed, to begin with. Much of Playerdom's famous pouch
leathers came from registered herds of Scottish highland sheep, bred especially for their skin as pneumatic
leather. These were usually 2-year old longhair sheep, and the skin was
particularly dense, but soft, like lambskin. If pneumatic leather isn't very
soft as well as tight, all the sealant isn't going to help much. It has to
balloon with a bare breath and so it can't have dried glue around its hole rim,
or it's just like stiff leather. It's better to have somewhat porous leather
and feather light flexibility and softness, than a good seal and a little stiff. Today's
lamb market is different. Lambs are grown for their wool and their meat, so
they are watered a lot, grain fed, stalled, and then slaughtered for food. A
by-product of this is their hide. So now what we have to work with (at least in
many cases) is a grade of leather the old timers would have thrown away as
unsuitable! Some
of the very thinnest pouch leather you will ever find will be found in the
Ampico. That's because the Ampico has such long tubing runs. For example, in
the model B, 5.5 ft is common. At 3.5-4' H2O, these valves still
operate reliably while an early Duo-Art valve for instance, won't even budge
under the same circumstances. So you can see that this pouch leather must be
'special.' Well, it
was. It was what was considered 'select,' or grade A to begin with. Then it was
sanded down to about .0055 thick. After that, the pouch leather to be cut for
primaries was sealed with thinned-down rubber cement although they didn't use
Carter's. That was just a suggestion for field techs who might have to replace
one. They much more likely used shoe sole cement like 'Tiger Brand,' which is
stabilized. We'll get into that, later. Before
those pouches were cut, every skin was marked on a light table so that no areas
which showed pin holes or thinned areas were used. Secondary valves (the block
valves) used the same leather, but were not sealed leather, to my knowledge.
Since the sealer still stiffens the leather, there's a trade-off between
sealant and flexibility. Bleeds were determined approximately for the pouch
nipples which were 3/4ths of the maximum distance away from a pouch. 'They were also scaled for gradual porosity in
the pouch leather as well. That was then standardized, and all valves got the
same bleed. But if bleeds were that critical, then you would have a great
variety of sizes, and the bleeds would be sized according to the tracker bar
tube length. Such was never the case with any company! If you have problems
like that, then you have valve problems which far transcend the bleeds.
Changing a bleed is just a work around, then. Carter Rubber Cement This has
been a popular way of sealing pouch leather and there's nothing wrong with it,
initially. The only problem is that rubber cement is, in a way, the liquid form
of rubber bands. Natural gum latex is used in each one. And since they no
longer put shoe soles on with rubber cement, age stabilizers are no longer
necessary in most rubber cements and rubber bands (interestingly, dye colors in
rubber bands will preserve the rubber a little). But what happens to rubber bands happens to
rubber cement, and the thinner and more sparse the cement is, the quicker it
deteriorates. If you extruded a type of rubber cement into tubes, inflated it
onto rollers cured it, then sliced it off with rotary cutters, you'd have
rubber bands. Now, what happens to rubber bands in, say, ten years' time' But
curing links the polymer chains, making it last far longer that cement. But
if that isn't bad enough, then try this; roll your rubber bands out to about .0005
in. thick, dry that, slice them up, and see how long they last. Did you say, 2
months' Well, if you're lucky and live in Arizona! If you use
Carter's, the only way to do it is in the flat skin, very thinned out, brushed
on, thinly and sucked into the leather pores through a flat screen with vacuum
pump. Dry and talcum. But when the pouch has been laid and you 'putty' the
cement onto it with a finger or a brush, you pile rubber cement 10 times
thicker than it needs to be around the rim of each pouch where it's glued. And,
heaven forbid, if you think you can just reseal the old ones this way which had
already been rubberized. You stiffen them far worse. That's why Ampico primary
pouches stand up like little donuts or little craters. They are 'frozen' by
hardened rubber cement. Those would be far more sensitive pouches if you
replaced them with new bare unsealed leather, although I don't recommend that
either. As
rubber cement gets old, it also gets hard. Find a rubber band that's 10 years
old. It's brittle. You bend it ever so slightly, it snaps into lots of little
pieces. Suppose that rubber band was only .0005 or less thick to start with.
You'd have a hard time finding one 10 years old. It would be dust. So resealing
old rubberized leather pouches stiffens them further. Even though the rubber cement gets hard, if it's in the pores, it's
still sealing for a long time. But remember, the factory probably did not use
rubber cement sold for office supplies. Tiger Brand Shoe Sole Cement, or
any vulcanizing rubber cement for tire patches, containing about 6%
polyisoprene rubber is stabilized rubber cement by a variety of methods and far
better than any office supply you can buy, but open to air, it will still get
hard. That's the stuff they use to patch inner-tubes with. [When
I was still in grade school, some of our art projects were put together with
Carter's Rubber Cement.' Those were kept
in a cigar box at home. When that box was gone through just a few years later,
everything that was glued with it was now separated. It only took a few years.] Egg White You can
buy a pound of egg white powder for about $25. It is an excellent sealer, for a
long while. It was for a long time the traditional photographic emulsion on
paper. But it is proteinous, and it slowly hardens and cracks when bent. That
happens faster than leather because it is not a structured, layered long
molecule collagen. Albumen likewise stiffens pouch leather even more than
rubber cement but it doesn't deteriorate anywhere near as fast. It is a
moderately long-lived sealant, but as the pouch operates, it slowly looses more
and more vacuum. There's nothing wrong with that. It's normal. Since
egg white tends to stiffen leather, it should be painted on the leather first,
before the leather is ever punched out. Any time you apply a drying surface
sealant you never apply that sealant
after the pouch is applied to the pouch board and dipped. That is an absolute. However you apply a drying surface sealant you
will always make the film thickest around the rim of the leather where it must
be the most flexible. Egg white
is an excellent sealant, provided you don't need especially flexible pouches.
Because egg white is a surface sealant, and must be put on thicker to be
useful. So it's good for large pouches. I would never use egg white for
reproducer pouches. And thin egg white stays wet too long and hardens the
leather by that reason, alone. Wet some pouch leather sometime, let it dry, and
then test it in a test vales setup. You might as well see what I'm talking
about, first-hand. Now there are ways to make seemingly unworkable things work,
otherwise, and no one is fully aware of all the techniques. Still, I'm getting
to what really works well for even beginners without fancy tricks. Bear with
me. PVC-E Glue, thinned PVC-E
is what we call 'plastic glue,' or white craft glue. It will seal leather up
cartridge tight. It also makes leather very stiff. In my book, it is unusable
for sensitive reproducers, although it will work for cut-off pouches on stack cut-offs,
and stuff like that, as long as you talcum powder it heavily because that
leather will remain sticky for a long time, otherwise. It will seal leather so
well that it will preserve it. I would think that for things like Reproduco
pouch pipe chests and the like, this method would work well. It might also work
for rolled pouches and small pneumatic bellows pouches, such as the Schulz
player. So it has some possibilities, as long as the leather is well-powdered.
I personally don't use it. Neatsfoot Oil, Mink
Oil These
deserve mention only because I warned Durrell Armstrong years ago about them,
and that warning is still extant, today. All animal oils, including lanolin,
draws moth larva. It has an irresistible odor for them. But what's worse is,
all animal oils evaporate slowly, as well as spread by surface tension. When
vacuum is drawn into a player, the neatsfoot oil gets pumped right out of the
pouches again, but where does it go, you ask' Well, unfortunately, it settles
on all surfaces including the metal valve seats, valve support plates, and
stems inside your player. That's just the first layer, however. After
that, warm, moist air which also coats parts is drawn below the lighter oily
film and then stays put longer, because the oily film is stable and won't allow
the moisture to evaporate quickly. So you now get a verdigris growing on
tin-plated brass valve parts which otherwise would not have happened. The
metal's surface tension draws the water molecules stronger than the oil
molecules, so the oil stays on top, trapping the water. Besides all of this, an
oiled pouch doesn't stay sealed longer than perhaps a year or two at the most.
You can test them 2-3 years down the line, and it's like you hadn't done
anything. But it will soak into the wood and prevent a good, tight glue bond
for new pouches. BAD IDEA! Pure Silicone Grease Pure
silicone grease, by itself, is far too viscous to use to seal pouches with. And
like every other sealer, you can use too much. Luckily it is a space-age
product, used on satellites in outer space, and doesn't evaporate. It's also a
very large molecule and doesn't soak deeply into wood, rendering it unglue-able,
as do animal oils. It's a very friendly material when thinned properly. You can buy Dow Corning 111 Pure Silicone Grease
at Player-Care.
not seal any pouch this way that requires a lifter disk, until AFTER the disk
is applied. I use hot hide glue for that, and also to put the pouch down to
begin with. I also talcum the pouch, once the solution has soaked down into the
leather and is now dry. As far as tightness is concerned, no leather pouch
needs to be cartridge tight. There is a point of diminishing returns and it
happens quickly. You can test this yourself if you have built some sensitive
testing equipment like I invested in 30 years ago, or more. I spent the time
required to try out all this stuff to see what really was the best, overall.
I'll happily put my money on silicone grease. Now
this is far different than 'silicone seal!' That is a rubber caulk. Do not use
that, under any circumstances. What silicone grease does is, it seals only in
the pores of the leather, but unlike Carter's Rubber Cement, does not start
getting firmer and firmer over time. Nor does it evaporate. And, it protects
and preserves leather even longer than PVC-E would. It also masks the smell of
natural oils to insects. You will not find even one moth hole in a leather
pouch sealed this way. It also has far less stiffening effect on leather than
any solidifying sealer you can possibly use. So
this is the leather sealer that has it all in my opinion, and while it's rather
expensive, a little goes a long way. It does not soak into wood or leather. It
does not evaporate. It leaves the leather as soft as it was to begin with, as
long as you don't overdo it. It preserves the leather, and it repels insects.
It can also be squirted onto the leather or brushed on with a sable brush,
after the lifter is applied. It dissolves in lacquer thinner (see NOTE) and other things,
and can be made as thin as you like, and it will NEVER deteriorate. The Most Important
Thing in Pouch Work If
I was going to mention the most important thing in pouches, it isn't perfect
air-tightness. It is leather quality, defined as a combination of air
tightness, light weight, consistent thickness, and softness. What we mostly use
today is already less than anything the original player manufacturers would
have used. Even the cheapest outfits could not afford to utilize the stuff we
are stuck with for the most part, today. As I have already pointed out, there
are few animals raised mainly for'
pneumatic leather. For example, a
Duo-Art accordion bellows recovered in the typical pouch leather of today would
survive here in the Midwest, unprotected and outside in room air, at the most
8-12 years. When Aeolian first covered those bellows in pneumatic leather, they
lasted 40-50 years. I suspect that was albumen coated leather, but the majority
of our pneumatic leather today won't last that long with any coating. Now
there is kangaroo hide. It is extremely tough, almost untearable leather, and
it will last several lifetimes, inside of a player piano. The reason I don't use
kangaroo on reproducers is because it is stiffer leather because it is denser.
It is however, very tight. But for pipe chests and organ work, nickel pianos,
and most player pianos, it is un-excelled. So now we have the need to pick the
right leather for the job, right' We need to look at all aspects of the
subject, first. Columbia Leathers also carries a Burgundy-colored leather with
good longevity but it is an organ leather, designed for uses other than small
pouches operating quickly at low reproducer pressures. There
is also a type of zephyr skin that is dry-tanned, very much UNLIKE the junk we
were used to seeing at PPC. That was oil-tanned gut. It varied hugely in
thickness and then was laminated together to form sheets, which later on, in
service, delaminated! It caused a lot of misery along the way. At any rate, the
good zephyr skin is still made and 'comes
from Germany, of course, and makes an excellent pouch skin, too. Even
at that, whether it's zephyr gut, or soft-tanned lambskin leather, all hides
have pin holes and thin places, and unless you mark these out before you punch,
your pouches are going to leak. Don't expect any sealer to fix bad leather. It
won't. The
more porous leather is, the more sealant you need to use. The more sealant you use,
the stiffer the pouch will become. Pouch leather needs, first of all to be soft
and flexible. Second, it needs to be reasonably airtight but not cartridge
tight. I have found by experimentation that as long as the bleed's total cu.
ft/min leakage is 3 times more than the pouch cipher, the valve usually works
perfectly. That's because the factory sized the bleeds, taking into
consideration gradual increases in pouch porosity. So
remember, low mass and flexibility is the most important thing and tightness is
next. If a player has primary pouches, these then become the most important set
of pouches in a player, NOT the secondaries. And if you want to know how well
you're doing, test them. Put a 6-7 ft. length of tubing on the pouch nipple, to
a trackerbar nipple that you can fit, singly, into the test tube's other end,
run the pressure down to 4' or so, and see what works, sensitivity-wise. Then
raise the vacuum to a usable figure and start testing for best repetition. The
smaller the overall bleed losses, the slower the repetition. The greater the
overall bleed losses, the faster the repetition (and again, there's a point of
diminished returns here, as well. So everything is a trade-off, from the
leather you decide on, to the sealer you use or don't use, as the case may be. NOTE: January 21, 2018: It has come to our attention that due to the changes in the chemical composition of modern lacquer thinner, Dow Corning 111 will not become homogeneous, which is necessary for making the sealer ready for use. To correct this problem, mix two grams of 111 (one pillow pack) with 1 fl.oz. of xylene (or xylol) and 1 fl. oz. of M.E.K. It will take about an hour for the grease to completely homogenized in the mixture -when well shaken at 15-minute intervals. For reference sake, 1 fl.oz. of liquid equals 2 tablespoons of liquid. NOTE: Your regular tableware tablespoon is NOT and actual tablespoon in size. Also, be sure to measure chemicals in a glass jar with an air-tight lid. Do not use plastic measuring devices.
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