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DISCLAIMER: These are advertisements for your convenience. They do not necessarily represent any standards set by Player-Care. We suggest that you check to see that the technician or company you choose is willing to list, in writing, the details of all the work to be done, the warranty concerning the quality of their work, and the resultant performance expectations. They should also be happy to provide a list of references from at least three satisfied customers. As always, 'Buyer Beware' holds true. Also, if you encounter a problem with any of the technician listings, please contact me.

Player and Reproducing
Piano Technicians

This page has been in existence since December 1996.
Last Revised: January 11, 2025
To View the Profile of the Technician,
just CLICK on their Name

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The Index is divided into Two Sections:
Technicians in the U.S.
Technicians in Other Countries
Free Advice

Player-Friendly Tuners

The Listings are Updated as the Information arrives.

US Technicians by State (alphabetical)
AlabamaRobert M. TurnerCleveland
AlabamaColeman E. KimbrellFlorence
AlabamaStan KimbrellFlorence
AlaskaNot Yet...
AzizonaNot Yet...
ArkansasNot Yet...
CaliforniaCourt LannomCosta Mesa
CaliforniaDiane DeTar & Wayne JohnstonLa Mesa
CaliforniaNick and Denise MorrisLos Angeles
CaliforniaRick BourgeoisPittsburg
CaliforniaLarry BroadmooreLA and San Fernando Valley
CaliforniaJoshua RapierRiverside
CaliforniaBryan GraefLompoc
CaliforniaRobin CanadaLompoc
CaliforniaVincent WukmirUpland (LA area)
CaliforniaVincent ChambersChico
CaliforniaRandy CoxSo. Calif.
CaliforniaMartin C SigleySan Jacinto
CaliforniaRay and Dan Ternstrom Walnut Creek
CaliforniaTodd and Sharon Lyall South Pasadena
CaliforniaBrian Grado Orange
CaliforniaDavid Dewey Oroville
CaliforniaKen Preece Anaheim Hills
CaliforniaRussell Berkley San Diego
CaliforniaGregory Gast Los Angeles
ColoradoArthur ReblitzColorado Springs
ColoradoRoger JennisonColorado Springs
ColoradoWes MelanderLoveland
ConnecticutHerbert LindahlSouth Windsor
ConnecticutDavid M SalehWaterbury
DelawareNot Yet...
FloridaRobert LoefflerDeland (Central)
FloridaDaniel Geoghegan(South)
FloridaArthur MarinoSunrise
FloridaTom DuranteBradenton
GeorgiaGreg SeagravesLilburn
GeorgiaJane PurtzerAtlanta
GeorgiaRick CooleyDecatur
GeorgiaTuneful Trophies Piano ServiceAthens
GeorgiaDavid Z OppenheimSavannah
GeorgiaLuke LindblomBloomingdale
HawaiiNot Yet...
IdahoMichael WhiteHailey
IllinoisDoug L. BullockSt. Louis Metro (Alton, IL)
IllinoisJames JelinekBerwyn
IlliniosDave LennardCarpentersville
IndianaDan TuttleIndianapolis
IowaTom AshingDes Moines
IowaTom DawsonWashington
IowaLee ZimmerlineNew Virginia
IowaDon WinchesterCedar Rapids
KansasPaul J Benner, Sr.Lawrence
KansasJohn A PetersGreat Bend
KansasKevin WayGalena
KansasMike HanchettNewton
KentuckyNot Yet...
LouisianaDon TeachShreveport
MaineDennis M. LeightTenants Harbour
MarylandDebra St. CharlesWoodbine
MarylandDick HackAnnapolis
MarylandJohn D. RutoskeyBaltimore
MarylandJohn GrantBaltimore
MarylandJeremy CarlsonBaltimore/DC/NOVA
MarylandRaymond StraussManchester
MassachusettsGeoffrey SearlesGrafton
MassachusettsLouis A. GentileQuincy
MassachusettsJonathan J PageCape Cod
MassachusettsNorman HallNorth Attleboro
MassachusettsJames SassoWrentham
MichiganSteve GrattanPort Huron
MichiganBennet LeedyColoma
MichiganSteve ArmstrongWaterford
MinnesotaNate OttoAnoka
MinnesotaCaleb SpoonerMinneapolis
MinnesotaDouglas JorgensonWillmar
MississippiNot Yet...
MissouriAl PulisRidgedale
MontanaC. David LambGreat Falls
NebraskaThomas KeglerHerman
NebraskaLarry SchuetteRaymond
NevadaNot Yet...
New HampshireTimothy WestmanWoodsville
New HampshireEli ShaharStratham
New JerseySamuel MarquezWilliamstown
New JerseyLes BeebeMedford
New JerseyDavid EsteyPassiac
New JerseyAndy MagazzuStone Harbor
New MexicoChristopher A DruryAlbuquerque
New YorkBill MaguireNYC/LI
New YorkDoug VenselMalone
New YorkLance P. ReedJohnsonville
New YorkKeith GramlichEast Meadow
New YorkPaul KeoglerEast Meadow
North CarolinaJoseph D GottaCharlotte
North CarolinaSam HarrisFountain
North CarolinaMichael RayBouldFerguson
North CarolinaGene RayBouldFerguson
North CarolinaRon HodgesElizabeth City
North CarolinaPeter Carlos EstepHillsborough
North CarolinaRandy InesRaleigh
North DakotaAlex MoeFargo
OhioTerry B. HaughawoutBloomdale
OhioRobert J. MyersColumbia Station
OhioJim HockenbergerToledo
OhioJoseph WashekLancaster
OhioGary RasmussenMason
OhioChris JohnstonCincinnati
OklahomaNorman CantrellOklahoma City
OklahomaDale MoneySand Springs
OklahomaLee JacksonGrove
OregonJohn R. PohlpeterOregon City
OregonBruce NewmanPort Orford
OregonLotof ShahtoutPortland
PennsylvaniaWesley GillApollo
PennsylvaniaNevin EngleGrantham
PennsylvaniaJon PerryMarion Center
PennsylvaniaDavid M. RodgersNorth East
PennsylvaniaJoel C CluskeyPittsburgh
PennsylvaniaJohn G RavertWatsontown
PennsylvaniaNathaniel EverettCarlisle
PennsylvaniaJohn OmiatekOil City
PennsylvaniaEarl OrcuttAshley
Rhode IslandKirk RussellNarragansett
Rhode IslandNorman HouleWarwick
South CarolinaBill MaximColumbia
South DakotaMichael EdwardsRapid City
TennesseeDamon SealeFranklin
TennesseeBrian ThorntonWoodbury
TennesseeTim JohnsonKnoxville
TennesseePhil NicholsLafayette
TennesseePhillip PardueLoudon
TennesseeChris ChernobieffKnoxville
TennesseeDaniel BussellKnoxville
TexasHoward GustafsonTexarkana
TexasLeon SpeirDallas
TexasJohn TalbotSan Antonio
TexasPhillip L WilliamsKrum
TexasRobert R GainerNevada
TexasAndy BallardArlington
TexasWarren OfficerSan Antonio
TexasJustin HopkinsItasca
UtahJames WilliamsOgden
UtahJeremy StevensKaysville
UtahJay B AtwaterKaysville
UtahSeth DunkleyLogan
UtahRalph NielsenNibley
UtahConner KunzOrem
VermontBruce StevensWells River
VirginiaAl PebworthChesapeake
VirginiaTom ShawCharlottesville
WashingtonNot Yet...
Washington, D.C.Not Yet...
West VirginiaNot Yet
WisconsinJim PekolRhinelander
WisconsinKendall L MarquardtJanesville
WyomingTom ZookCasper
WyomingSteve WestfahlLaramie

Technicians in Other Countries (alphabetical)
AfricaBernt W. DammCape
Africa (South)Paul FisherCape Town
AustraliaBrian A. ButlerSwan Hill, Victoria
AustraliaJohn BorsjeBrighton
AustraliaBruce C. CampbellSydney
AustraliaAlastair DubberNew South Wales
AustraliaPaul S.J. SmithVictoria
AustraliaPeter J. CoxWilliamstown
AustraliaDaniel BushWarragul
AustraliaJames GilliesBlackwell
AustraliaKerry CooperRegents Park, QLD
AustraliaJohn SmithBeenleigh, QLD
AustraliaLex VandervalkGold Coast, QLD
AustraliaPeter CogginsSydney/Blue Mts, NSW
BelgiumHerman JorisLeuven
BelgiumJacques GregoireLiege
CanadaRay HoplandCalgary, Alberta
CanadaDavid & Lesley EvansRevelstoke, British Columbia
CanadaFrank TsongSurrey, British Columbia
CanadaJohn M. RossWindsor, Nova Scotia
CanadaMichael RayBouldMontreal, Quebec
CanadaThe Great Canadian Nickelodeon Co.Mount Forest, Ontario
CanadaDavid RenaudGatineau, Quebec
CanadaRobert DesjardinsSorel-Tracy, Quebec
CanadaLuke WickenhauserWatson, Saskatchewan
CanadaRiley StairsCBS, NL
CanadaFranco PregaraSurrey, BC
EgyptEmad SoultanCairo
EnglandMichael BoydRye, East Sussex
EnglandSteve DibbleTowcester/Northants
EnglandEdward BaylisRaglan, Monmouthshire
EnglandPeter PalmerLeigh, Lancashire
EnglandMichael BoydEast Sussex (Continental Europe)
ItalyValentino FacchinettiBrescia
ItalyLeonardo FortiRome
MexicoAlejandro Castellon-PerezGuadalajara
New ZealandPeter van der StamHawles Bay
So. AmericaProf. MottaBelo Horizonte, Brazil
SpainNorbert CoderchTerrassa

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John Tuttle's Player-Care
407 19th Ave
Brick, NJ
Phone: 732-840-8787
E-Mail: John A Tuttle
Web Site: https://www.player-care.com

Located in Central New Jersey, Player-Care is focused on supplying people with the parts, supplies, and technical materials needed to "Keep The Music Rolling". We also do whatever we can to help people, via email or phone, solve the problems they're experiencing with their player piano.

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The information presented in the Player Technicians Pages is provided by the individual technicians listed herein (or their friends), who are solely responsible for the accuracy of the listing. Any outdated links or changes should be brought to my attention via this E-Form LINK -Click Here
ALL Comments and Suggestions for this page are welcome.
This page was last revised on December 7, 2024 by John A. Tuttle

Since "Player-Care" is an internet business, I prefer that we correspond via E-Mail (click here to fill out the 'Request Form'). However, if I'm not in the middle of some other activity, you can reach me at 732-840-8787. But please understand that during the hours from 8AM-5PM EST (Mon-Sat), I'm generally quite busy. So, I probably won't answer the phone. If you get the answering machine, please leave a detailed message stating the reason for your call. Also, repeat your name and phone number clearly and distinctly. By necessity, I prioritize everything in my life. And, if you call and just leave your name and number, and ask me to call you back, it might be a day or two before I return your call. Why? Because I don't know why you want me to call and I might not be prepared to assist you in an effective and efficient manner. If you leave me an E-Mail address (which I prefer), spell it out phonetically. The more you do to help me, the more I can help you in return. Don't rush. You have four minutes to record your message.

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