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PianoLodeon Toy Player Piano
Also called 'Piano-Lodeon' or 'Piano Lodeon'

For tubing and belts, click here

Photograph provided by Tom Sendall, who also had the Pianolodeon
decal (no longer available) made for this unit.

To view/download the PDF file which includes the Operating Instructions and Maintenance Instructions, CLICK HERE.

Here are links to all the information I've collected
about the Piano-Lodeon Toy Player Piano:
Page 1 - Rebuilding Chein PianoLodeon By Mike Kitner
Page 2 - Piano-Lodeon Rollography Update By Jack M. Conway
Page 3 - Piano-Lodeon's Lost Potential By Mike Knudsen
Page 4 - Piano-Lodeon Rolls & Imperial Ind. Co. By Douglas Henderson
Page 5 - Extra information about the PianoLodeon
Page 6 - Piano-Lodeon: Repair Information by John A Tuttle
Page 7 - Piano-Lodeon: Colors and Years by Dale F Rowe
Page 8 - Repairing the Pianolodeon by Arnold Landvoigt
Page 9 - Rebuilding Chein PianoLodeon By Jim Quashnock
Page 10 - Replacing Tubing and Drive Belt
Page 11 - Theory of Operation by John A Tuttle

As of July 27, 2018, some accurate information has been received concerning the years that this toy was advertised:

A quick check of Newspapers.com archive show that the toy was first offered for the Christmas of 1962 (not 1959 as one of your correspondents claim) - it was introduced at the annual Toy Show in NYC earlier that year.

On Newspapers.com, a search for Piano Lodeon for 1962 brought up 182 ads from around the country - almost all for Christmas. 1963 search brought up 144, 1964 resulted in just 32. Note - Newspapers.com has just a percentage of US newspapers archived.

List price was $59.99, but most Xmas 1962 ads were for around $39.99, some a bit lower. By the Christmas of 1963, the price was down to an average of around $20, with one Woolworths advertising one (and only one) for $2.88! By 1964 & 1965, very few ads were run. It's retail life seems to have been over.

Many of the ads mention "As seen on TV". The 1962 listings sell the unit with 6 rolls, some with 3.

Also - the earliest mention in the US Press of the Piano Lodeon was Sept. 19/20, 1962 - when a UPI article appeared around the country with an article on the new toys for Xmas 1962.

EDITORS NOTE: The correct size tubing for the trackerbar is 1/4" ID (#8) player piano tubing -click here. You will need 20 feet of tubing.

Also, Player-Care is now selling the drive belt for the device -click here

See the YouTube videos of my Pianolodeon playing various songs.

Alexander's Ragtime Band

Frostie the Snowman

(In the) Good Old Summertime

Old Piano Roll Blues

Sweet Georgia Brown

Sweet Sue, Just You

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This page was last revised September 21, 2018 by John A. Tuttle, who Assumes No Liability
For The Accuracy or Validity of the Statements and/or Opinions
Expressed within the Pages of the Player-Care Domain.
Cartoon Graphics by E7 Style Graphics (Eric Styles)

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