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Piano Companies Listed in the Howe
Collection at The University of Maryland

The University of Maryland maintains the Howe Collection of Musical Instrument Literature: Piano Series. This fine collection is available to the public, and in many cases they will send you photocopies of specific pieces for a nominal fee. A large number of the companies listed herein made player pianos as well as regular pianos, and quite often you can find documents related to original advertising and pricing, as well as other historical tidbits of information about player pianos. The most complete listing of 870+ known player piano makes and models resides here at Player-Care - click here.

Adair, Will E. (1897)
Adler (1910)
Aeolian Co.(1900-1927)
Aeolian Corp. (1960-1970)
Ahlstrom Piano Co. (1912) 
Albrecht & Co. (1915) 
Armstrong, Byrd & Co. (1903) 
Armstrong Piano Co. (1910-1920) 
Bacon, Francis (1920) 
Baldwin Piano Co.(See Hamilton Co.) (1888-1925) 
Baldwin Piano Co. (1928-1970, n.d.) 
Barthlemes & Co., A.A. (1894) 
Bauer & Co., Julius (1916) 
Baus & Co. Augustus (1883) 
Bay Co. (1920) 
Beatty, Daniel F. (1875-1878, n.d.) 
Bechstein, C. (1926-1977) 
Becker Bros. (1919-1928) 
Beckwith (See Sears, Roebuck & Co.)1907-1920,n..d.) 
Beethoven Piano & Organ Co. (n.d.) 
Behning Piano Co. (1899-1926) 
Behr Bros. and Company, Inc. (1882-1920, n.d.) 
Bell Brothers Piano Company (1913) 
Bent Company, George P. (1895-1910) 
Bent & Co., R. M. (1887) 
Bjur Bros. Company (1910-1915) 
Blackmer, Francis A. (1910) 
Blasius & Sons (1867-1915) 
Bluthner, Julius (1928, n.d.) 
Boardman, Gray & Co./Boardman & Gray (1880-1896, n.d.) 
Bogart & Co., E. B. (1906) 
Bradbury Piano Fortes (1877) 
Brambach Piano Company, The (1920-1927) 
Brewster Piano Co. (1915) 
Briggs Piano Co. (1887-1911) 
Broadwood & Sons, John (1858) 
Brockport Piano Mfg. Co., The (See Capen Pianos)(1902-1920, n.d.) 
Brown & Simpson Co. (1895) 
Bush & Gerts Piano Co., The (1901) 
Bush and Lane Piano Co. (1905-1925) 
Byrne Piano Co., C. E. (1901) 
Cable Company, The (See Conover)(1900-1935) 
Cable Piano Company (1897-1922) 
Cable Co., The Hobart M. (1905-1925) 
Cable-Nelson Piano Company (1906-1926, n.d.) 
Calenberg & Vanpel (1880) 
Capen Pianos (See Brockport Piano Mfg. Co.) 
Carlisle Pianos (See Chase-Hackley Piano Company) 
Chaffin Co., J. F. (1910) 
Chase & Baker Co., The (1905) 
Chase Co., A. B. (1899-1922) 
Chase-Hackley Piano Company (Carlisle Pianos)(1903-1905) 
Chickering & Sons (1854-1913) 
Chickering & Sons (1920-1955) 
Chickering Bros. (1911) 
Christman Piano Co. (1920) 
Church Co., John (See The Everett Piano Co.)(1889) 
Clark Music Co. (1908) 
Cluett and Sons (1881-1898) 
Colby Piano Company (1910) 
Columbus Piano Co., The (1912) 
Conover (See The Cable Company)(1915-1925) 
Conway Pianos (See Hallet & Davis Piano Co.) 
Cornish Company, The (1898-1917) 
Coté Piano Manufacturing Company (1910-1912) 
Cramer and Co., Ltd. (1864) 
Crown Pianos (See George P. Bent Company) 
Cunningham Piano Co. (1913-1920, n.d.) 
Curtaz & Son, Benj. (Krell Pianos)(1900) 
Davenport-Treacy Piano Company (1920) 
Decker Bros./Decker & Son (1890-1921, n.d.) 
Denton, Cottier & Daniels, Inc. (1924) 
Doebele's Central Music Depot, Louis (1880) 
Ebe Piano Company, Inc. (1917) 
Ellington Piano Co. (See Baldwin Piano Co.)(1902-1915) 
Emerson Piano Co., The (1878-1910, n.d.) 
Epworth (See Williams Piano & Organ Co.) 
Estey Piano Company/Estey Piano Corporation (1886-1950) 
Evans Piano Co., F.O. (1920) 
Everett Piano Co., The (See John Church Co.)(1894-1983, n.d.) 
Feurich, Julius (1986) 
Fischer, J & C (1883-1955) 
Fisher, Carl (1907-1913) 
Florey Bros. (1905-1910) 
Foster and Company (1905-1921) 
French & Sons, Jesse/French & Sons Piano Co., Jesse (1900-1916) 
Gabler & Brothers, Ernest (1886) 
Gem Piano and Organ Company (1890) 
Gebhardt Piano Co., The (1903) 
Geppert, Inc., William (1916) 
Gordon Piano Company, The (1911) 
Gors & Kallman (1910) 
Gotsch Co., Walter M. (1920) 
Gram-Richtseig Piano Co. (1900) 
Great Western Piano Co. (1910-1918) 
Griffith Piano Co. (1930) 
Grotian-Steinweg (1900, 1950) 
Grovensteen & Fuller (1885) 
Guest Piano Company, The (1907) 
Gulbransen-Dickinson Co./Gulbransen Company(1923-1936) 
Haddorff Piano Co. (1910-1915) 
Haines Bros. (1890-1922, n.d.) 
Hallet, Cumston & Allen (1863-1887) 
Hallet & Davis Piano Co., The (See Conway Pianos)(1858-1960, n.d.) 
Hamilton Co., The (See Baldwin Piano Co.) (1913-1918) 
Hamilton Piano Co., The (1920) 
Harding & Miller Music Co. (1905) 
Hardman, Peck & Co. (1890-1950, n.d.) 
Harvard Piano Company, The (1897-1912) 
Hasbrouck Piano Co. (1907) 
Hazelton Brothers (1885) 
Heintzman & Co. (1895) 
Henderson Piano Co., C. H. (1916) 
Heppe & Son, C. J. (1892-1905) 
Herzog Co. (1920) 
Higel Company Limited, The Otto (1900) 
Hinds & Son (1885) 
Holland Piano Co. (1905) 
Homer Piano Co. (Owned by Strich & Zeidler?) (1903) 
Howard Company, R. S.(See Howard-Stowers Co. Inc.) (1905-1907) 
Howard-Stowers Co., Inc. (See R. S. Howard Company) (1920) 
Hume & Co. (1913) 
Huntington Piano Company, The (1900-1910) 
Ivers & Pond Piano Co. (1884-1963, n.d.) 
Jackson Piano Co.(See Meissner Piano Co.) (1918) 
Jacobs Bros. (1920) 
James & Holmstrom, Incorporated (1905-1915) 
Janssen & Co., M. D./Janssen Pianos/Janssen Piano Co., Inc. (1848-1937) 
Jasper American Manufacturing Company (1987) 
Jewett Piano Company/Jewett & Co., W. H. (1885-1900) 
Kawai Piano Corp. (1969) 
Kelso & Co. (1920) 
Kimball Co., W. W. (1893-1960, n.d.) 
King Piano Company (1900) 
Kline Piano Company, Inc.(1930) 
Knabe & Co., Wm. (1870-1929) 
Knabe & Co., Wm. (1940-1955) 
Kohler & Campbell (1895-1965, n.d.) 
Krakauer Piano Co./Krakauer Bros. (1900-1939,n.d.) 
Kranich & Bach (1887-1924, n.d.) 
Kreiter Piano Co. (1909-1910) 
Krell Piano Company, The (Royal Pianos) (1895) 
Kroeger Piano Co. (1904) 
Kurtzmann & Co., C. (1905-1927) 
Laffargue Piano Company (1913, 1923) 
Lakeside Piano Co. (1889-1890) 
Lauter Co. (1909-1920, n.d.) 
Lawson & Company (1910) 
Lenox Music Co. (1913) 
Lester Piano Co./Lester Piano Mfg. Co., Inc. (1906-1950) 
Lindeman & Sons (1865) 
Lockhart (1900) 
Ludwig & Co. (1905-1908) 
Lyon & Healy, Inc. (1905-1922) 
Madison Piano Company, Inc. (1923) 
Marchal & Smith Piano Co., The (1890) 
Marshall & Wendell Piano Forte Mfg. Co. Limited (1895-1904) 
Martin Bros. Piano Co./Martin & Martin (1901-1904) 
Mason & Hamlin Co. (1887-1966) 
Mathushek & Son Piano Co., The/Mathushek Piano Mfg. Co. (1871-1905) 
McPhail Co., A. M., (1892-1914) 
Mehlin & Sons, Paul G. (1890-1929) 
Meister Piano, The (See Rothschild & Company) 
Melodigrand Corp. (1965, n.d.) 
Melville Clark Piano Co. (1900, 1914) 
Mendelssohn Piano Company (1895) 
Merrill Piano Mfg. Company (1901) 
Meyer-Toner Piano Co., The (1910) 
Miessner Piano Co. (See Jackson Piano Co.) (n.d.) 
Miller & Sons, Henry F. (Henry F. Miller) (1875-1910, n.d.) 
Milton Piano Co. (n.d.) 
Montgomery Ward & Company (1918-1925) 
Morris, Daniel (n.d.) 
Moore & Moore (1910) 
Musette (See Winter & Co.) 
Needham Piano Company (1905-1915, n.d.) 
Nelson Co., H. P. (1920) 
Netzow Mfg. Co., The (1890-1900) 
Newman Bros. Co. (1897) 
New England Piano Co., The (1882-1893) 
Norris & Hyde Piano Co.(1912) 
Packard Company, The/Packard Piano Company, The (1909) 
Packard Company (1910-1920) 
Parker Company, The Charles (1909) 
Patterson, James T. (1880) 
Pease Piano Co.(See the Wilbur Piano Co.) (1896-1906) 
Peek & Son (1885-1890) 
Petrof Piano Co. (1987) 
Pflueger Piano Co., Inc. (1913) 
Plaut-Cadden Co., The (1925) 
Pleyel, Wolff & Cie (1893) 
Poole Piano Company (1898-1910) 
Premier Grand Piano Corporation (n.d.) 
Radle, F. (1913-1920) 
Rankin Bros. Piano Co. (n.d.) 
Rauworth Grand Piano Company (1925) 
Raymond, F. L. (1910) 
Regent Piano (See Blasius & Sons) 
Ricca & Son (n.d.) 
Richardson & Co., O. W. (1914) 
Richmond Piano Co., The (1902) 
Ronhildt (1900) 
Rothschild & Company (Meister Piano, The)(1910) 
Sanders & Dreyer Piano Company (n.d.) 
Schaaf, Adam (1905-1915) 
Schaeffer Piano Mfg. Co. (1900-1905) 
Scherr, E. N. (1867) 
Schiedmayer (1867) 
Schiller Piano Company (1914-1929) 
Schirmer, G. (n.d.) 
Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. (1913) 
Schomacker Piano Company (1920) 
Schroeder Piano Company, The (1926) 
Schrother, Reinhold (n.d.) 
Schubert Piano Co. (1890-1935) 
Schulz Co., M. (1820-1910) 
Schumann Piano Co. (1900-1910) 
Sears, Roebuck & Co.(See Beckwith) (1902-1924) 
Sherman, Clay & Co. (1904-1922) 
Shoninger Co., B. (1884-1921) 
Smith American Organ and Piano Company (1903) 
Smith & Barnes Piano Co. (1903) 
Smith, Barnes & Strohber & Co. (1919-1935) 
Smith, Freeborn G., Co. (F. G. Smith) (1880) 
Smith & Nixon Piano Co., The (1900) 
Sohmer & Co. (1883-1942, n.d.) 
Standard Player Action Co. (1921) 
Starck Piano Co., P. A. (1900) 
Starr Piano Company, The (Trayser Piano Company, The) (1920-1922) 
Steck & Co., George (1902-1960) 
Steger & Sons Piano Manufacturing Co. (1910-1922) 
Steinert & Sons Co., The M.(1894) 
Steinway & Sons (1865-1914) 
Steinway & Sons(1915-1986) 
Sterling Co., The (Sterling, Huntington, Mendessohn, Sterlitone Playerpiano) (1887-1914) 
Stieff, Charles M. (1898-1924) 
Stone & Co., Chas. H. (1890-1895) 
Story & Clark Piano Co. (1907-1965, n.d.) 
Straube Co. (1928-1940) 
Strich & Zeidler (1895-1935) 
Strohber Piano Co. (1900-1905) 
Stultz & Bauer (1891-1899) 
Techniphone Co., The (1890) 
Tonk & Bro., Inc., William (1912) 
Tonk Manufacturing Company (1929) 
Tryber Piano Co. and Lakeside Organ Co. (1900-1903) 
Turek, S. K. (See Cote) 
Visuola Corporation (1927) 
Vose & Sons Piano Co.(1888-1930) 
Vough Piano Company (1907) 
Waldorf Piano Co. (1911) 
Waltham Piano Company (1922) 
Washburn, G. H. (1895) 
Waterman Piano Co. (1926) 
Weaver Piano Company, Inc.(1910-1920) 
Webb, W. Howard (1915) 
Weber, A. (1877) 
Weber Piano Co., The (1874-1913) 
Webster Piano Co., The (1917) 
Wegman Piano Company (1899-1910) 
Wellsmore & Company (1916) 
Weser Bros. Pianos (1900-1933) 
Weydig-Henkelman Piano Mfg. Co., Inc. (1905) 
White, Smith & Co., The (1900) 
Whitman Piano Mfg. Co., Inc. (1917) 
Wilbur Piano Co., The (See Pease Piano Co.)(1902-1910) 
Williams Piano & Organ Co. (Epworth pianos) (1902-1920, n.d.) 
Williams & Son, R. S. (1900) 
Wilson Piano Co.(1916-1920) 
Wing & Son (1893-1929) 
Winter & Company, Inc. (1926-1960) 
Wissner and Sons, Inc. (1922) 
Wood Piano Company (1905-1910) 
Wormwith & Company 
Wurlitzer Co., The Rudolph/Wurlitzer Grand Piano Company (1910-1967) 
Yamaha (1987) 
York Pianos (See Weaver Piano Company, Inc.)

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