Notice: As of October 2014, I am no longer doing restoration or service work. All of my time is now spent running Player-Care. However, if you're having a problem with your player piano, you can call me at 732-840-8787 or send me an email and I'll try to help you.
Do You Need A Player Piano Technician? CLICK HERE
Where I Work and Live
Although I know a lot about fixing player pianos, nickelodeons, pump organs and reproducing instruments, doing business on the Internet is
still interesting and challenging. I have discovered a world of knowledge and experience exists on the Internet and I have tapped into every source I've found. Even if I can't answer your question/s directly, I can usually find the answers in relatively short order. My E-Mail involvement with numerous professional rebuilders, collectors and enthusiasts has opened up 'databases' of information that twenty years ago would have taken decades to accumulate. Specific questions relating to repair and restoration processes, testing procedures, player mechanisms are always welcome. However, I am not a good source for information relating to values of music rolls or mechanical musical instruments because I do not buy or sell these items.
I use to enjoy fishing and camping in New Jersey a lot more often, but I've had so little time these days that I'm no longer very good at catching fish, but I've become a pro at drowning worms. My hobbies are still composing music, poetry, and writing. I am still working on my first book which will be titled "I love a Player" (the preface). It is going to be the first children's guide to understanding the principles of operation that allow the player piano to work. My hope is that I can keep it simple enough for a child to understand and thereby entice youngsters to consider the trade as a livelihood. I am forever being asked about an apprentice. I've trained more than my share of young men AND women. If I can spirit one or more young people into the trade by capturing their imagination with my book before I retire, I will have achieved my goal. I hope to complete it by 2025. The chapter on the pouch and valve can be seen at "I love a Player"(the book). I continue to spend time writing Testing Procedures for some of the major components of the player system.
Occasionally, I get noticed for the work I've done over the years. Here are a few links to the pages that explain things in detail: Roger Waring Award, Best in Business Award, and Customers' Testimonials

I hope to hear from you soon. Thanks for visiting.
 This is the 1st advertisement used by John Tuttle in 1976
We Gladly Accept These Cards
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..To The HOME Page
This page was last revised
October 25, 2019 by John A. Tuttle, who Assumes No
Liability For The Accuracy or Validity of the Statements and/or Opinions
Expressed within the Pages of the Player-Care Domain. Cartoon Graphics by E7 Style Graphics (Eric Styles)
Since "Player-Care" is an internet business, I prefer that we correspond via E-Mail (click here to fill out the 'Request Form'). However, if I'm not in the middle of some other activity, you can reach me at 732-840-8787. But please understand that during the hours from 8AM-5PM EST (Mon-Sat), I'm generally quite busy. So, I probably won't answer the phone. If you get the answering machine, please leave a detailed message stating the reason for your call. Also, repeat your name and phone number clearly and distinctly. By necessity, I prioritize everything in my life. And, if you call and just leave your name and number, and ask me to call you back, it might be a day or two before I return your call. Why? Because I don't know why you want me to call and I might not be prepared to assist you in an effective and efficient manner. If you leave me an E-Mail address (which I prefer), spell it out phonetically. The more you do to help me, the more I can help you in return. Don't rush. You have four minutes to record your message.
407 19th Ave, Brick, NJ, 08724
Phone Number 732-840-8787
(Voicemail Only, No Texts)
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