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Locator Page (Last Revised June 13, 2023) Dick Hack Hack Mechanical Music 2051 Chesapeake Road Annapolis, Maryland 21401 Phone: (410) 757-2965 Fax: (410) 757-2965 Cell Phone: (410) 279-5859 E-Mail: rhack1@verizon.net Full time restorer of Orchestrions, Nickelodeons, Band Organs, Jukeboxes, Player Pianos. Music roll manufacturing, esp. Mills Violano, Regina Sublima, and others. Over 20 years experience. Will travel. Parts fabrication and duplication. Norman Houle Warwick, RI Phone No. (401) 738-3503 The Houle family (Bernie and Norman)of Warwick, Rhode Island has restored two player pianos for my family, and done a wonderful job. I've requested previously, but please include them on your list. They've been in business for years, and have a large stock of players waiting to be restored to customer specs. This listing provided by Tim Baxter. Kirk B Russell 37 Liberty Street Wakefield, RI 02879 Phone No. 401-783-1966 Restoration of pianos and orchestrions; piano tuning Al Pebworth Pebworth's Player Piano Center Home of "Yesterday's Music" 1000 White Pine Drive Chesapeake, Virginia 23323 Phone: 757-487-1601 E-Mail to: Al Pebworth at al@pebworths.com Website at: www.pebworths.com/ Pebworth's Player Piano Center, the home of "Yesterday's Music" has been offering quality restorations of Automatic Mechanical Musical Instruments since 1965. Owned and operated by Al and Gail Pebworth, we specialize in the rebuilding of 65 & 88 Note Player Pianos as well as Reproducing Pianos. We offer pneumatic only (Upper and Lower Units), as well as total restorations which may include pin block or pin block transplants, repinning and restringing, Action and case work. We can be contacted at 757-487-1601. The shop address is 1000 White Pine Drive, Chesapeake, Virginia 23323 Herbert O Lindahl Herb Lindahl-Piano Tuning Virtualroll Sales and Manufacturer 344 Miller Road South Windsor Connecticut, 06074 Phone to: 860-922-6739 E-Mail: herblindahl8@gmail.com Web site: www.herblindahlpianotuning.com Full player piano service with specialty in reproducing pianos. (AMPICO, Duo-art, Welte) In home service as well as shop level restoration and refinishing. We also produce the Virtualroll MIDI system for installation in all pneumatic pianos. Resume: David M. Rodgers Rodgers' Piano Rebuilding 31 Poplar St. North East, PA 16428 (That's right near Erie, PA) Phone: 814-725-4498 E-Mail: Excellence@pianorestoring.com (Please note: Due to large amounts of Spam coming into my email, I request that you always place the words "my piano" in all subject lines. Any message which does not have this in the subject (including blank subjects) may be deleted by my Spam killing procedures.) Experienced full service rebuilder, specializing in rebuilding grands and player pianos. Including new: pin blocks, actions, restringing, sound boards, bridges.) I also do grain filled, rubbed finishes and professional moving. (I can compete with the moving companies for cost within a c400 mile radius of Erie, PA.) Buying and selling pianos as well as converting pianos into players via vacuum or electronic player units. I also build and sell Orchestrians! Jon Perry 2416 E Run Rd Marion Center, PA 15759 Phone at: 724 254 9810 E-Mail to: Jon Perry at: billandjp@verizon.net I have been in the piano restoration business for about 30 years and have been very fortunate to have fallen heir to the wonderful facility of John Farnsworth to work on pianos. We do total restorations here, to include The Ampico, Duo-Art, and Welte-Mignon. Doug Vensel 12 Center St. Malone, NY 12953 Phone at: (518)-483-5152 E-Mail to: Doug Vensel at: driller@slic.com Restoring as well as repairing player actions and piano players. Have tuned in the past but prefer to leave that to a good friend that does it for a living. I've found that most of the time player pianos can't be merely patched up to work. They most likely need rebuilding due to the fact that all the parts are old and dry and tend to be unable to handle new workings when installed. Geoffrey Searles Apollo Piano Company 77 Potter Hill Rd Grafton, MA, 01519 Home/Work: 508-839-9547 Email: apollopianoco@gmail.com Web Site: PlayerPianoRestoration.com I am a one man piano shop that restores only old upright foot pumper player pianos. I have been repairing them for over 25 years now. First, the player mechanism is put aside and the piano itself is brought up to whatever level of sound and appearance that the owner dictates, then the rebuilt mechanism is re-installed. After, with both parts working well, you end up with a great sounding, good looking, and easy to pump instrument. Marquez Pianos Williamstown, NJ On the web at: https://www.marquezpianos.com E-Mail to: Samuel Marquez at marquezpianos@yahoo.com We rebuild and repair pneumatic players and pump organs as well as retrofit PianoDisc Systems. We're mainly rebuilders servicing aprox. 60 schools, five colleges, scores of churches, in addition to our private client base. We're always on the lookout for good used instruments in need of rebuilding. We specialize in victorian era. Anything we can offer, let us know. Though we limit ourselves to the Southern half of New Jersey, our work gets shipped to the four corners of the U.S. Mr. Timothy Westman Box # 275 R.D. #2, Route 112 Woodsville, NH 03785 Phone No. (603) 747-3758 He is one of the finest technicians around and his prices are reasonable. He is an electrical engineer by education but has been restoring mechanical musical instruments for nearly 20 years. He has restored items for many of the big names in the field with very happy results. His areas of greatest expertise is all pneumatic instruments,
especially Ampicos, all types of organs including band organs, monkey organs,
theatre organs and residence organs plus calliopes. He is very familiar with
MIDI and has done a number of large installations with multiple input sources
both roll readers and MIDI inputs. Automatic Music Machines John D. Rutoskey 208 S. Pulaski Street Suite 5L Baltimore, Maryland 21223 Phone No. (410) 960-7816 Rutoskey - John at: rutoskey@hotmail.com We have been restoring player pianos, reproducing pianos, coin operated pianos, and band organ type instruments for over 20 years. We also specialize in Jukeboxes of all makes and models, with an emphasis on Wurlitzer and Seeburg, from the earliest instruments to the 1980's. Custom built roll operated instruments are available.
I am available for services extending from Virginia and going up to the
New York/Westchester County/NJ/Connecticut tri-state area. Dennis M. Leight 298 Turkey Cove Road Tenants Harbor, Maine 04860 Phone No. 207-372-6668 E-mail To: DennisLeight@msn.com
I am a pipe organ and piano technician with nearly thirty years experience in servicing and rebuilding many related instruments including numerous player pianos. I am an associate member of the Piano Technicians Guild. At my shop I can rebuild your complete piano or just the player action if you ship it to me. Unless you have something quite rare, chances are that I have seen it before. Recent major projects have included rebuilds of two E M Skinner Organ Harps for Austin Organs Inc.and work on their Opus 323 municipal concert organ at Portland City Hall. Nevin Engle 2708 Mill Road Grantham, PA 17027 Phone: 717-766-8072 E-mail: Nev1@aol.com
Recondition player pianos and parlor organs Bill Maguire Specialty Piano Service 146 Broadway Greenlawn, New York 11740 (3 miles east of Nassau County border) Phone: (631) 261-6799 Cell: (631) 896-6698 E-mail: MBillMaguire@aol.com
Servicing Long Island and NYC metro area Louis A. Gentile Piano Service 96 Federal Ave Quincy, Massachusetts 02169 Phone: 617-471-2494 E-mail: gentilepiano@yahoo.com Web Site: www.gentilepiano.com
Full time player piano restoration shop established in Quincy Mass. 1978, also buy and sell all types of pianos wholesale/retail. Offer complete piano/player piano restoration, coin operated conversions,and pianomation installation. Have a good size inventory of used player parts. Les Beebe Piano Shop 6 Hartford Rd Medford, NJ 08055 Phone: 609-654-2789 Email: janetprettyjb@aol.com I tune and repair regular pianos and player pianos. I also rebuild band organs, nickelodeons, player pianos, regular pianos, reproducing pianos, pump organs and related instruments. DAVID M. SALEH PLAYER PIANO RESTORATIONS 188 FAIRLAWN AVE WATERBURY, CT 06705-2120 Phone: 203-596-8128 Email: Ctplayerpiano@aol.com Rebuilding, restoring, and repairing player pianos and related instruments since 1980. Occasional (seasonal only) refinishing. One man, home shop, offers personal, dedicated attention. I usually have an upright player piano, rebuilt and refinished, "ready to go", or near completion, for sale. A small trade-in of a non-working player (in good restorable condition) can be given towards a freshly rebuilt instrument. I also repair banjos of all types. Specializing in 4 string tenor or plectrum models (dixieland/jazz banjos) of any vintage. Wesley Gill Wesley Gill Piano Service 248 Gill Road Apollo, PA 15613 Home Phone: 412.480.6125 Email: pianomanone@live.com
Thirty years experience in tuning, repairing,regulating and rebuilding pianos and player pianos Joel C Cluskey Cluskey's Piano Works 677 Fruithurst Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15228 Home Phone: (412)779-0740 Email: jcluskey@yahoo.com I specialize in grand and upright player piano restoration of both 88 note and reproducing pianos. In business since 1995, I am an active member of the Pittsburgh Chapter of the Piano Technician's Guild and co-hosted the AMICA convention in Pittsburgh in 2012. I use only traditional materials and restoration techniques. Contact me via phone or internet for an initial consultation. Lance P Reed Resurrection Piano Service 231 Johnsonville Rd Johnsonville, NY 12094 Home/Work Phone: 518-663-8842 Email: resurrectionpianoservice@gmail.com Since l978 I have been restoring pianos, player pianos and pump organs with an occasional nickelodeon, music box, phonograph, or organette thrown in. I am honest and conscientious. Serviceability and future restorability are paramount to me. I am near the Albany area of N.Y. Please give me a call and we'll talk. Tom Shaw Charlottesville Piano Company 634 Rio Road W Charlottesville, VA 22901 Home Phone: 434-293-8638 Work Phone: 434-296-8886 FAX: 434-296-8890 Email: cvillepiano@earthlink.net We Site: http://www.charlottesvillepiano.com Charlottesville Piano restores pianos, even those with player systems, but we don't repair nor restore the systems themselves. We also sell pianos with QRS Systems and PianoDisc systems. We are installers of the PianoDisc system. We are also piano movers, tuners, technicians, and refinishers, and have been in business since 1908. Tom Shaw, owner, is a third generation rebuilder, tuner and technician. We ship to and receive from anywhere in the world! David Estey, RPT David Estey Piano Service 183 Monroe St Passaic, NJ 07055 Work Phone: 1-800-ON A PIANO (1-800-662-7426) Mobile: 973-390-6461 FAX: 973-697-0061 Email: dave@esteypiano.com Web Site: https://www.esteypiano.com Appointments: https://www.tunethepiano.com David Estey Piano Service has been Rebuilding, Refinishing, Selling and Servicing all Pianos and Player pianos for over 30 years. Now we are also a certified dealer for Estey Pianos. There are always player pianos available for purchase as is, or in restored condition. We are located in beautiful Passaic NJ, where our 9,000 square foot restoration factory is located, and travel all over the tri state area and beyond, in search of pianos to restore- pianos that connect us with the past, give us enjoyment in the present, and project our legacy into the future. We also restore pump organs and reproducing players, and are certified installers and dealers for Pianomation Player systems. David Estey is a Registered Piano Technician with the Piano Technicians Guild. E Mail, Call us, or come visit the factory in person, or virtually at www.esteypiano.com We would love to hear from you. Jonathan J Page 16 Gilbert Ln Harwich Port, MA 02646 Work/Home/FAX Phone: 508 432-5262 Email: jonpage@comcast.net Tuning, servicing and rebuilding pianos on Cape Cod for over 30 years. Debra St. Charles St. Charles Keyboard Restorations 15685 Old Frederick Rd. Woodbine, MD 21797 Home/Work Phone: 443-742-5971 Email: pianorepairs@yahoo.com I have been repairing/rebuilding pianos, player pianos, and nickleodeons since 1972. Certified PianoDisc and Pianomation(QRS) technician. Servicing Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Washington DC. Will travel and ship to USA and Europe. Norman Hall American Player Piano 411 Allen Ave North Attleboro, MA 02760 Home Phone: 603.630.0601 Work Phone: 603.630.0601 Email: norman_hall@americanplayerpianos.com
Norman Hall is a 3rd generation player piano technician based out of New England with 35 years of experience fixing reproducing, upright and grand player pianos. He offers free pickup and dropoff of anything he fixes within the East Coast/American Northeast (other locations negotiable) and has an attention to detail second to none. Please e-mail or call for rates. Bruce Stevens 1001 keys & Co. 58 Randall Hill Rd. Box 752 Wells River, VT 05081 Home Phone: 802-757-8050 Work Phone: 802-757-8050 Email: bstevens@myfairpoint.net Restore pianos. players, reproducers and reed organs. Tuning, refinishing and complete service. 35 years experience Member of AGO and ROS. John G. Ravert Ravert's Piano Restorations, Inc. 9 Meadowvale Dr. Watsontown, PA 17777 Home Phone: 570-538-2155 Work Phone: 570-538-2155 Email: jgravert@windstream.net Ravert's Piano Restorations, Inc. has rebuilt player pianos, nickelodeons, reproducing pianos, reed organs, and band organs for over forty years. We have rebuilt for individuals, large collectors and museums. Samples of our work can be viewed by appointment by calling 570-538-2155. We are insured. John R Grant AMI Enterprises 202 Lynncrest Court Lutherville, MD 21093 Home/Work Phone: 410-952-8168 (Cell) FAX: 410-252-0616 E-mail: reddawg@unameit.net AMI Enterprises was founded in the last century! (1970 to be precise.) I (John Grant) have been a member of the Automatic Musical Instrument Collectors Association (AMICA) and the Musical Box Society, International (MBSI) for most of those years. I have contributed articles (mostly technical in nature) to the publications of both organizations and have given technical seminars on aspects of player piano technology and restoration at past international conventions. I have presented a multi-media demonstration of reproducing piano technology at the Smithsonian Institution's Hall of Musical Instruments and I maintained its Mason & Hamlin Ampico B piano until its retirement from active exhibit. Although I specialize in "reproducing" pianos, I can have my arm twisted for regular "pumper" pianos and parlor pump organs. I also have restoration experience in player organs (AEolian Residence Pipe Organs and Orchestrelle Reed Organs) and automata such as singing bird cages. Reproducing piano restorations have included Duo-Art, Ampico A & B and several Welte formats in up to 9' concert grand instruments. I have experience in several electronic player systems including the Stahnke SE installation in 9 1/2' Bosendorfer at the University of Maryland, Piano Disc, and more recently, the Hunt Piano Company's "Virtual Roll" system. I have well-equipped metal and wood working shops, and although I limit myself to player mechanism tasks, I have associates available to me who are skilled in other "normal" piano restoration tasks such as keyboard and action refurbishment, hammers, dampers, re-stringing, re-pinning, pin block replacement, up to, and including completely new soundboards and bridges. I have local access to a top-level re-finisher who specializes in piano re-finishing. I am currently attempting to scale back complete restoration projects due to inevitable aging and decline in physical abilities, although I still service existing customers who have service-related needs. I am well versed in 3D printing technologies and can help replicate many obsolete player piano components not available elsewhere. I have also designed and printed several specialized tools for restoring and maintaining various player systems. I have access to a laser cutting machine and am able to replicate various difficult to find player components such as gaskets for valves and expression components I do not maintain a web site specifically for my service activities, please call, write, or email to discuss your needs. Nathaniel Everett Osborne & Everett 155 Shughart Rd Carlisle, PA 17015 Work Phone: 717-254-6469 E-mail: nse@osborneandeverett.com Website: www.osborneandeverett.com Professional rebuilders with over 44 years of combined experience. Players are great to own and play, recalling times and music long gone. Restorations include but not limited to: Player Rebuilds (Duo-Art, Ampico, Welte-Mignon, standard foot pump) Restringing, Rebushing keys, Hammer replacement, Refinishing and Moving. Visit our website at www.osborneandeverett.com Jeremy Carlson 738 W Hamburg Street Baltimore, MD 21230 Home/Work Phone: 410-963-7352 E-mail: carlsjeremy@gmail.com I'm a digital player technician (Pianodisc, QRS, Disklavier, LX) in Baltimore and I'd like to be a part of your site. I've been servicing DC, Baltimore, NOVA and surrounding regions for 12 years. Keith Gramlich 727 Truman Avenue East Meadow, NY 11554-4519 Home/Work Phone: 917-757-4207 E-mail: wurli1@live.com Serving greater New York City and Long Island. Call us for Service calls, estimates, and in-home repairs. I started out at 17 years old working on my parent's Jacob Doll & Son upright player and then found myself working for several years with the Antique Phonograph shop on Long Island rebuilding player pianos for them. Continued on to working on pipe organs while continuing as a player technician in later years. I am knowledgeable and passionate about the restoration and maintenance of pneumatic player pianos, organs and other automatic musical instruments, utilizing as close to original materials as possible. James Sasso 525 Thurston Street Wrentham, MA 02093-1604 Home/Work Phone: 508-954-3624 E-mail: jwsasso@gmail.com I am a Registered Piano Technician through the PTG and a player piano specialist. I have been doing this since 1984. Earl Orcutt Orcutt Piano Service 191 West Cemetery St. Ashley, PA 18706-1540 home/work phone: (570) 819-0242 Email: edopianoman@cs.com Player and reed organ restoration. Half a century of experience. Raymond Strauss Ray Strauss Piano Tuning and Repair 4870 Melody Dr. Manchester, MD 21102 home/work phone: 410-239-7868 Email: Grand28@verizon.net I have been in business for over 40 year. Rebuilding player pianos, restringing, and refinishing. Also, installation of Pianomation 3, the most modern iPhone player piano. Paul Keogler Dancing Ivories Inc. 11 Washington Ave. Bay Shore, NY 11706 phone: 631-242-0963 Email: dancingivories1@verizon.net Repair, rebuilding, tuning, refinishing, all pianos including pneumatic player pianos, pump organs, and Nickelodeons. PianoDisc sales, installations, service, and upgrades. Pianocorder, Disklavier, and PianoMation service and upgrades. Most parts for Kimball players available. All services done for the trade, manufacturers, and private clients. Servicing NYC,LI,Tri-State.
Nationwide and Worldwide deliveries.
![]() ![]() Andy Magazzu Action Piano Company 360 95th Street Stone Harbor, NJ 08247 phone: 609-368-2719 Email: pianosrebuilt@yahoo.com Web: Action Piano Company If you live anywhere at all in the State of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Delaware, New York, New England area, Northern Virginia, NC, Maryland or the Washington DC area, we can help you greatly. If you live in any other state in the land, we can help you as well. We have customers in 36 states. Action Piano Company is the leading piano and pump organ restoration firm in the Eastern United States, Northeast region. Our cabinet refinishing facility has refinished thousands of pianos, and we have rebuilt hundreds of Grand, Spinet, Upright, Console, Studio, Player Pianos and Pump Organs of all kinds. Everything we do is fully guaranteed. Eli Shahar 100 Portsmouth Ave Stratham, NH 31093 phone: (805) 720-8997 Email: music_box_man@hotmail.com Repair parts or player mechanism only rebuild. This is not my day job so I'm not fast but I've had exquisite results with time honored techniques and practices, original materials, etc. The information presented in this page was provided by the individual technicians listed herein or their friends and they are solely responsible for the accuracy of the listing. Any outdated links or changes should be brought to my attention via this E-FORM -Click Here.
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Since "Player-Care" is an internet business, I prefer that we correspond via E-Mail (click here to fill out the 'Request Form'). However, if I'm not in the middle of some other activity, you can reach me at 732-840-8787. But please understand that during the hours from 8AM-5PM EST (Mon-Sat), I'm generally quite busy. So, I probably won't answer the phone. If you get the answering machine, please leave a detailed message stating the reason for your call. Also, repeat your name and phone number clearly and distinctly. By necessity, I prioritize everything in my life. And, if you call and just leave your name and number, and ask me to call you back, it might be a day or two before I return your call. Why? Because I don't know why you want me to call and I might not be prepared to assist you in an effective and efficient manner. If you leave me an E-Mail address (which I prefer), spell it out phonetically. The more you do to help me, the more I can help you in return. Don't rush. You have four minutes to record your message. |
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407 19th Ave, Brick, NJ, 08724 Phone Number 732-840-8787 (Voicemail Only, No Texts) |
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