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Player Technicians - Tuners
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For the Central Part of the United States

Dan Tuttle
3315 Pinecrest Rd.
Indianapolis, IN
Email to: tuttledan88@gmail.com

Dan has been in business since 1975 and tunes, services and rebuilds player pianos, nickelodeons, band organs and reproducing pianos. He was recommended to be placed on this listing by one of Player-Care's roll customers. I called Dan and spoke to him about his business and like all good technicians, he's quite busy all the time.
Recommendation supplied by John A. Tuttle


Bennet Leedy
4660 Hager Shore Rd.
Coloma, Mi

Editor's NOTE (March 16, 2023): Mr. Leedy is only doing reproducing players, and he no longer does service or repair work on regular players.

"A GREAT tech lives way up north in MI. His name is Bennet Leedy. In a piano restoration shop in Lansing he had 1 Ampico grand and 2 Duo-Arts he had restored completely. They played the Ampico for me. It sounded beautiful. The piano shop just does instrument restoration, but Mr.Leedy does player work."
Recommendation supplied by Damon Atchison


Kevin Way
1600 Dewey Ave
Galena, KS
Phone No. 417-385-8399

I offer Tuning, Rebuilding, Refinishing, Restorations & Repair, for the following:
Grand Pianos, Player Pianos, Pump Organs, Phonographs, & Accessories.
I have has 30 Years of Experience


Tim Johnson
Tim Johnson Piano Tuning and Repair
5329 Lavesta Rd.
Knoxville, TN
Phone (Cell): 865-640-6369
Work: 865-640-6369 FAX: 865-687-0502 Email to: tjnknox@wowway.com

I have been tuning since 1961. I rebuild self-players and reproducers, primarily Duo-Art and Ampico. Complete rebuilds of pianos are now available. Associate member PTG.


Michael Bare
Stay Tuned Pianos
PO Box 196
Brice, Ohio
Phone No. (614) 357-4807

Here at Stay Tuned Pianos we offer tuning,rebuilding, refinishing, restringing, complete action work of player pianos, art case uprights, and grand pianos. Quality work and materials are number one. Since 1966.
We buy and sell used pianos. We sell new Story & Clark pianos with PIANOMATION CD player system. We are factory certified to install the PIANOMATION CD system in your upright or grand. Please call or email for more info.
Thank you and remember, "Stay-Tuned".


Steve Grattan
Lost Chord Clinic
1602 Griswold Street
Port Huron, MI
Phone: 810 984-2757
Email: lostchordclinic@ameritech.net

Complete repair, restoration, refinishing and rebuilding of pianos, player pianos, reproducing pianos, nickelodeons, reed organs and the like. Sales of restored instruments.


C. David Lamb
C. David Lamb Piano Tuning & Repair
715 2nd Ave North
Great Falls, MT
Phone No: 406-836-0869

Serving Great Falls and the surrounding area.


Howard Gustafson
The Ragland Piano Co.
314 Main St.
Texarkana, TX 75501
(903) 791-1758
(903) 280-6470 (cell)
E-Mail to Howard Gustafson at: raglandpiano@yahoo.com
Web Site at:Ragland Piano Co.
eBay Store: Ragland eBay Store

From Texarkana, I service much of Arkansas, North Eastern Texas, South Eastern Oklahoma and North Western Louisiana.
I am also a factory certified PianoDisc installation technician, and have been performing PianoDisc installations since the company's inception.

(Listing updated 2022)
I just realized that I have not given you my soon to be new address. My business is probably (98% likely) going to relocate to the Texas side of Texarkana, and there will also be a name change. I have never been completely happy with the name Precision Player Pianos. The building I am moving into has been known in Texarkana as the "Ragland" building since about 1920. It got its name from its owner, S.M. Ragland Sr. Since everyone in Texarkana knows it as the "Ragland" building, and since Ragland (it's a stretch I know) is similar to Ragtime, I plan to change the business name to the Ragland Player Piano Co. Like I said, this is still in the works, but will almost certainly happen. The business (as of about March 15) will be located at 314 Main Street, Texarkana, TX 75501. I have not yet arranged for a new phone number, but will probably keep the old one for several months and have calls forwarded to the new number. Even though I am only moving about two miles, I am crossing a state line so the area code must change. Once the move appears 100% certain, I will e-mail you with the final details. I appreciate what you are doing to promote player pianos, and I certainly appreciate the chance to appear on your website.

Where We Work and Live


John Talbot
7509 Red Ripple
San Antonio, Texas
Phone: 210-653-7820
Send Email to: john.talbot@player-piano.com
Web Page at: www.player-piano.com

I convert upright pianos into players, also work on Ragtime units. I move and refinish piano's also.


Mr. Terry B. Haughawout
560 Garfield Street
Bloomdale, OH 44817
(419) 454-3671

Terry has restored a number of pneumatic instruments including orchestrions and band organs. However, his primary expertise is the Mills Violano Virtuoso for which he is probably the world's foremost expert at this time. He manufacturers many new parts for the Violano including new piano harps which have not been available since the 1920's. He has the capability of taking a complete basket case and restoring the Violano to new condition.


Brian Thornton
Short Mountain Music Works and Pipes of Pan Music Rolls
207 South McCrary Street
Woodbury, TN 37190
Phone 615-563-5814
E-Mail to: Brian Thornton at bt.smmw@gmail.com
Web Site at: Short Mountain Music Works
Web Site at: Pipes of Pan Music Rolls

Over 40 years of experience restoring pneumatic automated musical instruments and barrel pianos/organs. Specializing in duplication - replacement of stacks and other components.


Tom Ashing
2407 45th St.
Des Moines, Iowa. 50310
Phone: (515) 279-7847

Rebuilding Player pianos of all kinds, specializing in reproducing players. Also repair Victrolas, Cylinder players. Have Player Rolls for sale.


Tom Dawson
Dawson Antiques & Magic Barn
516 N. Ave B
Washington, Iowa 52353
Phone No: 319-653-5043
Email to: radio4me@hotmail.com

I restore player pianos, reproducing pianos, reed organs, band organs, player organs and other pneumatic instruments large and small. I also restore phonographs and antique radios. I have 30 years experience and have been restoring professionally for 25 years.


Thomas Kegler
Piano Emporium
P O Box 102
206 W 5th St.
Herman, NE
Phone at: 402-456-7510
E-Mail to: Tom Kegler at tinker@gpcom.net

I have been rebuilding player pianos since 1985 and I am a graduate of Western IA. Tech. school of piano rebuilding. Rebuilding player pianos, reproducers, orchestrion, clocks, and watches.


Jack Niewoehner
205 Oak Ave. NW
Elkader, Iowa
Phone at: 563-245-2657
E-Mail to: Jack Niewoehner at: jack.ne1r@gmail.com
Web Site: http://niewoehnerpianoclock.tripod.com

(Retired 2016)
I have 20+ years of experience in rebuilding player pianos, reproducing pianos, nickelodeons, band organs, calliopes and pump organs. I also repair antique phonographs and clocks. Yes, I do road work, although I don't care to go much more than about 125 miles from my home. I basically cover the northeast corner of Iowa and go a bit into southwest Wisconsin, northwest Illinois and southeast Minnesota.


Robert J. Myers
18431 Station Rd.
Columbia Station, Ohio
Phone: 440-236-3225

Complete rebuilding, repair & tuning of pianos, player pianos, reed organs. Registered Piano Technician. Over 30 years of experience.


Leon Speir Piano Co.
10330 Fireside Ln
Forney, TX
Phone: 214-381-0212
E-mail: leon@speirpiano.com

Serving the Dallas/Fort Worth area. I've been servicing player pianos in the North Texas area for the past 35 years. I service all types of player pianos including reproducing pianos. My shop provides complete piano service including tuning, in home repairs, and rebuilding.


Doug L. Bullock
Piano World Enterprises
1126 Milton Rd
Alton, IL
Home/Work phone: 314-772-6676
E-mail: doug.l.bullock@gmail.com
Website: www.thepianoworld.com

We restore all keyboard instruments including automatic: player pianos, roll or barrel operated, reproducing pianos, Nickelodeons, Photo players, Band organs, Reed organs, Theater and Classical pipe organs Roller organs. We fabricate nickelodeon parts. We also do those items no one else will touch, including birdcage uprights. Harpsichords, clavichords Coming soon: specialty website hosting for musical and Mannatech sites. We still furnish some player supplies.


James Jelinek
Player Piano Clinic & Emporium
14322 Beacon Ave
Orland Park, Illinois
Phone: 708-352-2897
Work: 708-403-1020
E-mail: james.jelinek@comcast.net

"Over thirty years in the player piano business, also repairing all types of antique phonographs and roller organs, Celestinas, etc."


Damon Seale
Seale Keyworks, Inc.
1121 Harpeth Ind. Ct.
Franklin, TN
Home: 615-400-8880
FAX: 615-614-0111
Work: 615-370-8800
E-mail: DSeale@sealekeyworks.com
Website: www.sealekeyworks.com

Piano restoration, PianoDisc and QRS installation, moving, tuning, storage, electronic keyboard repair specializing in Hammond organ and Leslie speaker service, Parts sales Hammond dealer for Middle Tennessee
We're installing players with warrantees up to a 200 mile radius of Nashville and volume discounts nationwide (cartage available)
In addition to Hammonds and Leslies, we're now selling Rodgers organs as well as Roland products in Middle Tennessee
We're also providing coast-to-coast distribution of pianos and organs for manufacturers, dealers and technicians and have 45,000 sq ft of storage in the Nashville area.


Norman Cantrell, RPT
Cantrell's Piano Clinic
5934 NW 45th
Warr Acres, OK
Phone: 580-695-5089
E-mail: normancantrell@sbcglobal.net
Web: www.cantrellspianoclinic.com

Norman began his career by servicing pipe organs. After attending piano tuning school at Grayson County College in Denison, TX in 1983 he opened his own business. He has been restoring players, reproducers and pump organs for the last 20+ years. He has also taught player piano service and repair classes at the Piano Technicians Guild annual conventions.


Phillip L Williams
P. Williams, Piano Restorations
444 South First Street
Krum, Texas
Phone/FAX: (940) 482-3344
E-mail: pianorestorer@tigerbyte.com
Web Site: www.pianorestorer.com

I have been in business for 30 years concentrating on the refurbishment of the older instruments. These include player pianos, reproducers, and orchestrions.


Phil Nichols
The Piano Store
102 Public Sq.
Lafayette, Tennessee
Phone: 615-666-5706
E-mail: juse734@yahoo.com

Restorations small and large, vertical or grand, cabinet repair or refinishing, reproducing and traditional pianos serviced, repaired and tuned. 20+ years in the industry.


Lee Zimmerline
2101 Wyoming St.
New Virginia, Iowa
Phone: 641-342-3723
E-mail: LZpianoman@yahoo.com

I specialize in rebuilding player, reproducing pianos (especially Ampico) and square grands. I rebuild reed, player reed and roller (cobb) organs. I also rebuild melodeons and orchestrions.


Paul J Benner, Sr.
Midwest Piano Company (Restorations)
4837 W 26th St
Lawrence, Kansas
Cell: (785) 691-8844

Player piano, pipe organ, and reed organ rebuilding and repair.


Jim Pekol
Jim Piano Tuning and Repair
2933 North Pelican Lake Road
Rhinelander, WI
Home/Work: (715) 369-0681
E-mail: jim@pekolvil.com
Facebook: Jim Pekol Piano Tuning

I am located in northeastern Wisconsin, and offer complete player piano retubing, bellows and pneumatics repair, plus piano tuning and general repair.


Phillip Pardue
Southern Pneumatic Restorations
49997 Highway 72 N
Loudon, TN
Home: 865-458-1991
Work: 865-742-2150
E-mail: Parduep@playerpianorestoration.com
Web Site: www.playerpianorestoration.com

SPR is a full service piano shop devoted to the restoration of straight and player pianos alike. We specialize, though, in the restoration of player piano actions.


Larry Schuette
The Piano Factory
5600 W Waverly Rd
Raymond, Nebraska
Home/Work phone: (402) 783-3882
E-Mail to: playerpianoman@yahoo.com

Established 1973 and located in rural Lancaster County, (just northwest of Lincoln, Nebraska) The Piano Factory has specialized in the repair/restoration of foot pumped player pianos at affordable rates for Midwest owners of these fine antique heirloom instruments. Quality player piano restoration demands use of the best replacement material available and diligently and correctly doing every task so that when complete, the player will reliably perform for many more years, just like it did after it was purchased 80-100 years ago. I operate from my country acreage - have restored or repaired hundreds of foot pump player pianos and still find working on them challenging and rewarding.


Home phone: 740 277 7777
Work phone: 614 833 0449



Lee Jackson
P.O. Box 451886
Grove, OK
Home/Work: (918) 786-6474
E-mail To: ljpiano@att.net

I'm Lee Jackson, and I've been a piano tuner/tech for 27 years. I went thru Aeolian's Player Piano University in Feb. 1984 under Bob Snyder, and I work on pianos, player pianos, electronic organs, and keyboards.


Jim Hockenberger
Player Piano Shop
P.O. Box 9057
Toledo, OH
Home/Work: 419-385-9135
E-mail To: jimbo6710@att.net
Web Site: www.playerpianoshop.com

Buying, Selling, Repairing,and Restoring Player Pianos since 1967. Over 4000 Rolls in stock. PTG Certified Tuning. Pianomation, Piano Disk and Yamaha Certified. We install player system to existing pianos. New pianos by Story & Clark.


Robert R Gainer
Bob's Old Time Player Piano Service
1783 Harvest Lane
Nevada, TX
Home/Work: 972-977-5453
E-mail To: bobgainer@att.net

Restoring Player Pianos since 1980


Dave Lennard
DL Pianoworks
30 Evergreen Lane
Carpentersville, IL
Home/Work: 847-428-1561
E-mail To: DLPianoworks@gmail.com Web: DLPianoworks.net

We service and restore all types of player pianos. Pneumatic and solenoid driven. Pianomation, Pianodisc and Pianocorder. Complete rebuilding, refinishing and restoration of fine pianos and family heirlooms. Please visit our website:DLPianoworks.net


Chris Chernobieff
Chernobieff Piano and Harpsichord
911 Sapphire Rd
Knoxville, TN
Home/Work: 865-986-7720
E-mail To: chrisppff@gmail.com

Yes, I do service player pianos. My personal favorite is Melville Clark.


John A Peters
Barton Piano Service
PO Box 1906
Great Bend, KS
Home/Work: 620-282-7306
E-mail To: johnapeters@msn.com

John Peters has a B.S. in music with studies in engineering. I have been tuning pianos and doing repairs for 5 years. Additionally I have worked on numerous player pianos, and I own one. There are a lot of players out here in the "OLD WEST". I am here to help. Call for info: 620-282-7306 or email at johnapeters@msn.com


Daniel Bussell
Mead Piano Works
6006 Kaywood Rd
Knoxville, TN
Home/Work: 423-327-7717
E-mail To: meadpiano@gmail.com

"Making Pianos Work for You".
Tuning, repair, and rebuilding of pneumatic musical instruments.


Nate Otto
Rum River Restoration
624 Johnson St
Anoka, MN
Home/Work: 612-508-9418
E-mail To: Nate@rumriverrestoration.com
Web: www.rumriverrestoration.com

Offering repairs and restoration of pneumatic player pianos, nickelodeons, pump organs and roller organs, inside and out.


Don Winchester
Winchester's Piano Tuning and Repair
1636 Richmond RD NE
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Home/Work: 319-350-0986
E-mail To: Pianoguy1224@yahoo.com

Tuning, restoration, refinishing, player piano restoration.


Caleb Spooner
Spooner the Tuner
3870 Alabama Ave S
Minneapolis, MN
Home/Work: 7634431602
E-mail To: caleb@spoonerthetuner.com
Web: www.spoonerthetuner.html

I have taken over tuning and field repair from player tech Don Barton, who has recently passed. I do basic troubleshooting and repair on both pneumatic and electronic/pneumatic player systems in the home but do not have facilities for rebuilding or more extensive repairs.


Douglas P. Jorgenson
Douglas Jorgenson Piano & Strings
503 8th Ave
Madison, MN
Work: 320-297-1665
E-mail To: djorgensonpiano@gmail.com

Full service music store offering player repair and restoration services along with band and orchestra instrument sales and service.


Andy Ballard
Andy Ballard Piano Service
Arlington, TX
Work: 817 962 9240
E-mail To: andy@andyballardkeys.com
Website: www.andyballardpianoservice.com

I provide piano tuning, repair and restoration as well as being DFW???s only factory-certified PianoDisc technician. As for players, I install and service PianoDisc and QRS. I also work on the solenoid-activated pneumatics and also MIDI-controlled Band organs, Nickelodeons and orchestrions, including the Welte Mignon. Serving all of North Texas.


Al Pulis
Branson Piano
155 Edgehill Dr
Ridgedale, MO
Work: 417 335 1701
E-mail To: al.pulis@gmail.com

Player piano repair and sales for 40 years plus! Large inventory of players and some grands.


Warren S. Officer
118 Quivira Dr.
Universal City, TX
Phone No: 904-891-6101
E-mail to: Warren S. Officer at pianoguygvll@yahoo.com

Specializing in Stack rebuilding for uprights and reproducing: Ampico A, Welte: above and under player actions, Gulbransen: glued and serviceable, Standard: single and double valve, Simplex, Pratt Read, 58 note player Reed organs, L's, Pianola's, IXB's, experience in servicing QRS Pianomation and Playola and installations. Tuning, complete restoration. Area covers anywhere a piano is. Estimates and referrals available, 50 years exp. A repair is a complete job not just a patch on any part.


Justin Hopkins
Clare's Player Pianos
3605 FM 934
Itasca, TX
Work: 210 593 8329
E-mail To: justin@claresplayerpianos.com
Web: Clare's Player Pianos

Clare's Player Pianos is a family-owned business with a long history. Every antique player has a unique story to tell, and this is where our story began over sixty years ago. Whether you have a player piano that has been in the family for years and need it restored, or you have just discovered that such a thing exists and are looking to purchase your first one, Clare's Player Pianos is here to help. We keep a large selection of new piano rolls in stock. Come by and find new treasures to add to your collection!

My promise to you: I guarantee that you will be completely satisfied with your piano service, or I will make it right. My promise to you is that if you ever have any problems after I service your piano, call me and I'll come out free of charge to address your concerns. You have my word.


Gary Rasmussen
Gary's Piano Service
5520 Homecrest Lane
Mason, OH
Work: 513-227-1298
E-mail To: Gary@MusicalInsuranceGuy.com

Repairing and rebuilding player pianos and other automatically playing musical instruments for 50 years.


Mike Hanchett
Mike's Piano Service
123 E. 10th
Newton, KS
Work: 316-284-1042 or 316 283-7735

Editor's Note: Heard about this gentleman on Facebook. Not sure if he's still in business. Was told that he's a quality rebuilder. See the articles that have been written about him here: click here and here click here.


Chris Johnston
Fix My Antique
2138 Schappelle Lane
Cincinnati, OH
Phone: 513-393-8253
E-mail To: Chris@fixmyantique.com

FixMyAntique.com is a Mechanical Music and Antique restoration company. We formed last year (2022 - officially) but have many decades of Player Piano, Victrola, Music Box, Band Organ, Orchestrions, etc. experience under our belt. My business partner, Mike Flanagan, has been VERY involved in this area of expertise for the good half of his life with a previous businesses in the Indianapolis area. Feel free to visit our Website. We're looking to expand and reach out to others that may need assistance on their Mechanical Music Needs.


Alex Moe
Alex's piano and organ service
Fargo, ND
Phone: 218-402-0667
E-mail To: alexmoe459@gmail.com

I have been tuning and repairing pianos for 3 and a half years in the Fargo Moorhead and surrounding areas. I've traveled all across both Minnesota and North Dakota for repairs of both electronic player pianos and pneumatic players. I have rebuilt and restored my personal aeolian pianola pianos and worked on numerous others. (Joined 11/18/23)


Steve Armstrong
The Tuned Piano
Waterford, MI
Phone: 248-872-2804
E-mail To: steve@thetunedpiano.com

Piano Tuning, Piano Repair, Antique Piano Repair/Tuning, Antique Player Piano Repair, QRS PNOmation Certified, Piano Disc Service, Modern Players Repaired, Modern Players Installed, Piano Storage (Joined 11/21/23)


Kendall L Marquardt
InTune Piano Service
847 N Wright Rd
Janesville, WI
Phone: 608-774-8667
E-mail To: intunepiano.km@gmail.com
Web: www.pianotuningwi.com

Providing a full range of piano and player system services including tuning, repairs, assessments and inspections for all types of pianos including square grands. Both traditional pneumatic and cutting edge QRS player systems serviced. Certified QRS Technician/Installer. Used piano sales. (Joined January 11, 2025)


The information presented in this page was provided by the individual technicians listed herein or their friends. Player-Care assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of any listing or the quality of work provided by the various technicians. Any outdated links or changes should be brought to my attention via this E-MAIL LINK
ALL Comments and Suggestions for this page are welcome.

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This page was last edited on January 11, 2024 by John A. Tuttle.

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Although I prefer that you send E-Mail, you can reach me at (732) 840-8787.
If I'm in the Shop or at Home, I will answer the phone.
Otherwise, please leave a message.

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e- mailSuggestions or Comments to John A. Tuttle (site administrator)

Since "Player-Care" is an internet business, I prefer that we correspond via E-Mail (click here to fill out the 'Request Form'). However, if I'm not in the middle of some other activity, you can reach me at 732-840-8787. But please understand that during the hours from 8AM-5PM EST (Mon-Sat), I'm generally quite busy. So, I probably won't answer the phone. If you get the answering machine, please leave a detailed message stating the reason for your call. Also, repeat your name and phone number clearly and distinctly. By necessity, I prioritize everything in my life. And, if you call and just leave your name and number, and ask me to call you back, it might be a day or two before I return your call. Why? Because I don't know why you want me to call and I might not be prepared to assist you in an effective and efficient manner. If you leave me an E-Mail address (which I prefer), spell it out phonetically. The more you do to help me, the more I can help you in return. Don't rush. You have four minutes to record your message.

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407 19th Ave, Brick, NJ, 08724
Phone Number 732-840-8787
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