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Listed below are some of the Finest Articles ever written about Player Piano Mechanisms and Related Topics. A variety of subjects are covered from Action Work to Zippy Repairs. Many of these articles have been contributed to Player-Care by some of the most knowledgeable people in the Mechanical Music Industry. For a more complete listing, use the Drop-Down Menu on the Main Home Page

Pages of Technical Information
Accessing the piano action in a modern Aeolian
Adjusting the Air Motor Governor
Aeolian Control Buttons and Levers (modern)
AMPICO Comparisons, by Craig Brougher
Bellows Cloth by D. Armstrong
Books and Publications Listing
Bush & Lane Players
Eliminating Musty Odors in Pianos
Evaluate the Piano First
Facts about Hide Glue by C. Brougher
General Tubing Diagram
Hammer Lift Rail in Reproducing Grands
Hanta Virus Alert
Hide Glue: Q & A
Hide Glue: More Q & A
Hide Glue Guns/Synthetic Glue
How To Start Testing Your Unit
I Love a Player (Chapter 1)
Key Balance in Players
Lauter-Humana Diagram
Nickelodeons: Some History by Don Teach
(The) Player Rebuilding Principle
Player Principles Chapter 2 (Under Const.)
Preventing Moth Damage
Rebuilding Ampico Valves by C. Brougher
Rebuild Metal-Stem Valves by C. Brougher
Rebuilding Simplex Block Valves
Rebuilding Standard Valves by D. Armstrong
Rebuilding Tips from Professionals
Regulating the AMPICO A
Regulating Upright Dampers by C. Brougher
Removing the Upper Section/Stack
Restoration and the "Purist" by C. Brougher
Re-Tubing the Transposing Tracker Bar
Re-Wiring A Player Piano by Stephen K Goodman
'Rhapsody in Blue', The Missing Minutes
Roll Arranging and the Duo-Art
Rules of Player Piano Care
'Shellac' by Larry Broadmoore
Some New Jersey Roll History
Some Player Piano Roll History
Suppliers of Player Piano Stuff
Technical Articles by Wilberton Gould (1927)
Testing the Tracker Device
Testing the Stack (Windchest)
The '360 Test' for Air- Motors
"The Valves", by Craig Brougher
Tubing A Tracker Bar (Pix & Words)
Tuning Pin Tightener by C. Brougher
Types of Players and Mechanisms
What a 'Reproducing Piano' Should Be
Who Is Running this Site?
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This page was last revised January 28, 2013 by John A. Tuttle, who Assumes No Liability
For The Accuracy or Validity of the Statements and/or Opinions
Expressed within the Pages of the Player-Care Domain.
Cartoon Graphics by E7 Style Graphics
Comments to: John A. Tuttle (Player Piano Rebuilder/Site Designer)

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