The summer hit 2003 is certain now already!! Of Germany Show volume No. 1 the everlasting Schlagerevergreens "Capri Fischer" took care of! "if with Capri the red sun in the sea sinks and of the sky bleach sichel of the moon flashes, zieh'n Fischer with its boats auf's for sea outside, and they put the nets in far elbow out... " Who doesn't know it - the song of the ' Capri Fischern '? This everlasting hit Evergreen celebrates in this year as it were its 60-jaehriges anniversary, because the original version "Capri Fischer" came already 1943 on the market. The longingful song of the Capri Fischern ranks reliably among the most remarkable compositions of this century. the first photographs for broadcast and record originated in to 1943, when Germany fell in debris and ash. By the war process in Italy all Italian was no longer suffered, the plates was stored. After the war the desire for southern warmth broke strong out from the grey of the rubble. The urge to the south fulfilled itself first once particularly in the hit. "Capri Fischer" became the Gassenhauer, the usually-played song of the first postwar years. In the late 70's the argument began with the Nachkriegjahren and the years of the German wirtschaftswunders. As musical registration number still again very frequently Capri Fischer were selected, the term "Capri Fischer" became the synonym of the post-war period and the ascent. Gerhard Winkler (* 1906 +1977) is called the composer of this success song, who gave us innumerable further large hits, among them the title "faith me" (become sour admits) by Wolfgang's, which as "Answer ME" also the American market conquered, "Schuetzenliesel", the "Chainti song", "pour ' the concerns in a Glae wine" or "O mia bella Napoli". Under www.capri there is much further interesting information about lives and work Gerhard Winklers. By the way: In the year 1999 those experienced Capri Fischer again a small comeback. Albano Carisi took over it with a new, own, Italian text as well as many Italian ear worms on its CD of "volume acres", as only, not Italian song. Quo Vadis?" 60 after year the Erstaufnahme submits of Germany Show volume No. to 1 - FLASHBACK - at the end of of February 2003 new "Capri Fischer" a version. For this they could win the success producers Hanno Bruhn and Ralf Pisch. Bruhn could book straight few weeks ago with its interpreter Milton again a Top 100-Hit. Hanno Bruhn - not related to Christian Bruhn! - wrote for example also the Top 3-Hit "I are the Martin, ne" for Diether cancer. With production its colleague Ralf Pisch stood for it to the side. Also both extremely successfully work for vulture dive, which is again correct vogue since end of the 90's EN. By the way also Diether cancer tried 1995 the "Capri Fischern". Unfortunately without considerable success. For eingefleischte Rudi Schuricke or Magda Hain fan new "Capri Fischer" version of Flashback might be perhaps somewhat habituation needy, but a whole generation will discover this title again owing to Flashback for itself. It is certain already now that Flashback with "Capri Fischer will become 2003" one of the completely large summer hits of the yearly. But its new manager (Dirk Haasler of the company Show Contact) will alone already ensure, who sits at important ' schaltstellen ', at whom on hit or rivets is decided. Thus Haasler presents Riu Palace "for example in the cult temple" in the "Royal Suite" (Palma de Mallorca). Here the hits are made. However all DJs, which got this title first, tapped so far also throughout on ' superhit '. And so it would have to happen with the devil, if not 2003 "ring out" not only, in addition, "from boat to boat the old song" again (... from a distance, like it sounds "hoert:") "Bella, bella, bella Mari, remain faithful for me, I come back tomorrow early! Bella, bella, bella Mari, never forget me!" When was there that already once that in February the summer hit of the yearly was already certain? Thank you for permission at Andy Tichler