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In Stock Gaskets-Click Here

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The three major types of gaskets found in player pianos are made out of either leather, cork, or paper. Of those three, leather gaskets are the most common, and in the vast majority of player pianos you will find a leather gasket anywhere that two pieces of wood are joined to each other with screws or nuts and bolts. The gaskets we provide are made out of high quality cork, cork/rubber, or blotter paper. They are used for sealing block valves or valve plates to the stack or other pneumatic devices. We also carry suede calf skin that's split to 0.035". Also, Sponge Neoprene Gasket Material is available in a variety of shapes, and Blotter Paper and 1/32" Cork/Nitrile material by the square foot. We do not offer leather gaskets. However, we do sell two types of leather (cabretta and packing) that can be used for certain types of gaskets. We also imported some high quality Patent Leather from Italy, that's used for garments and might be suitable for certain kinds of valve facings. If interested in getting a sample, just fill out this form and type the Subject 'Patent Leather'. For other types of leather, we recommend Columbia Organ Leathers.

The gaskets listed below are sold individually, or by the dozen, or by a set of 90. The gaskets pictured below are not to scale. If you need to know the exact dimensions, contact us via the link below. If the gasket you need is not shown here, we don't carry it yet. However, if enough people request a particular gasket, we will consider adding it to our inventory. So, make your desires known. To contact us -click here. When ordering any of these parts, specify the part name or number and the quantity. Please use the Secure Order Form -Click Here.

PictureGasket / MakeMaterial Each  Dozen  Set of 90 
#410 WurlitzerCork (1/16")$0.85$9.50$69.00
#412 SimplexCork (0.090")$0.75$8.50$65.00
(4 tier)
Foam Type
#418 ArtemisCork/Rubber
#587 Ampico
w/o bleed
and Amphion
(Original) Cork
#588 Ampico
(later model)
Ampico 'B'Cork
#589 Ampico Intensity Valve GasketsCork/Rubber
Ampico 'A' Crescendo Pneumatic GasketCork/Rubber
#1226B Aeolian
(For Cross Valve)
(see NOTE 1)
Blotter (0.020")$0.42$4.75$36.50
#1227 AeolianCork/Rubber
#1228B Aeolian Upright
(see NOTE 1)
Blotter Paper
#1234 Lauter-HumanaCork/Rubber
#1251 Autopiano
(See NOTE)
(see NOTE 1)
Blotter Paper
Standard Tracker
(See NOTE)
Foam Type
#1190 Bush & Lane
Blotter Paper

Cost is $17.50 per set. This set of four gaskets are for the four intensity valves on the Ampico 'A' Expression Mechanism (see Page 8 of the 1923 Ampico 'A' Inspector's Reference Book.) The original leather gaskets are normally glued to the valve block and must be removed when the block is restored.


Cost is $6.45 per gasket. The original gaskets are often glued to the valve block and must be removed when the crescendo valves are restored. (There are two Crescendo Pneumatics in the Ampico 'A' Reproducing player system.)


These are the gaskets that are used with the Ampico 'A' block valves in the system that has both primary and secondary valves. They can also be used with the early system, where the bleed is contained in the block, by punching a notch in the gasket, as shown below, with a rotary arc punch. Also the same gasket that is used with the Amphion upside-down block valves. If you don't have a rotary arc punch, we will punch the notch in the gaskets for an additional $0.05/gasket.


NOTE 1: It is highly recommended that these gaskets be sealed in place with either shellac, burnt shellac, or an adhesive of your choice. Without a sealant of some sort, air will seep through the material. Also, these gaskets are slightly discolored due to the fact that they are cut with a laser machine. The discoloration does not have any effect on the performance of the gasket.


NOTE 2: These gaskets are laser cut from a foam-type material that has an air-tight surface. (It is not closed cell neoprene). During testing, it was found that when compressed using normal pressure, the gaskets did not require a sealant or glue to make an air-tight seal. Also, the material conformed very well to slight irregularities in the adjoining surfaces. The material comes in a variety of colors (red, blue, yellow, green, purple). Normally, full sets will be all the same color.

Sponge Neoprene Gasket Material

Sponge Neoprene Gasket Material (also called closed-cell neoprene) has become very popular among many professional rebuilders since the late 1990's. This material is easy to work with, creates an excellent air-tight seal, and it conforms well to slight irregularities. Its primary advantage over other types of gasket material is its compressibility. Material that is 1/16"* will easily compress down to 0.035". Maximum compression to 0.017". Material that is 1/8"* will easily compress down to 0.075". Maximum compression to 0.030". For information concerning the use of closed-cell neoprene for gaskets, click here. Available in the following sizes:

(1/16") 6" x 24" strip for $6.65

(1/16") 4" x 48" strip for $8.88

(1/16") 4" x 52" strip for $9.63

(1/16") 6" x 36" strip for $9.98

(1/16") 4" x 60" strip for $11.85

(1/16") 6" x 46" strip for $12.75

(1/16") 12" x 24" strip for $13.31

(1/16") 12" x 60" strip for $33.28

(1/8") 6" x 24" strip for $9.68

(1/8") 4" x 48" strip for $12.91

(1/8") 6" x 36" strip for $14.51

(1/8") 6" x 46" strip for $18.54

(1/8") 12" x 24" strip for $19.36

Normally, all sizes are folded as necessary for minimum shipping cost.

NOTE: 1"-2" wide strips up to 48"+ occasionally available.

When ordering, specify the size, thickness, and the number of strips. Please use the Secure Order Form -Click Here

1/8" material can vary +/- 0.035".

We're also offering a different type of sponge neoprene material called "Skin". As you can see in the pictures below, it's called 'skin' because it looks like ... skin. The 'skin' texture is only on one side of this 1/16" thick material. The other side is regular closed cell neoprene. You can click on any of the pictures to see a blow-up of what the material looks like close up. The first picture shows an area that is 6" x 12". The second picture shows an area that is 1" x 1". The third picture shows what a one inch piece looks like when glued to glass with ONE DROP of PVC-E glue. As you can see, the texture is completely filled in by the glue. There are no voids. This type of material is excellent for gaskets where two softer woods, like poplar or birch, are joined. Examples are things like the access panels on reservoir bellows and air motor governors. This material is NOT available in long strips. The maximum size of any one piece is two square feet (12" x 24"), which sells for $10.00, or $5.00/sq.ft.

When ordering, specify the size you want and the type of material. Please use the Secure Order Form -Click Here

Blotter Paper for Gaskets

This is very high quality blotter paper that has been specifically selected for use as gasket material in player pianos. It is available in two thicknesses: 0.032" and 0.020". The thicker material, which is 100% rag cotton, is most often used where two pieces of wood are joined together. The thinner material, which is unbuffered alpha cellulose, is what is most often used for the gaskets under metal valve plates. The cost for the thicker material is $5.30 per square foot. (Sheet size: 23-3/4" x 37": cost $32.34/sheet). The cost for the thinner material is $4.25 per square foot. (Sheet size: 24" x 38": cost $24.50). We will cut any size piece you want up to the maximum size of the sheet for $1.50/cut. We will NOT cut any strips narrower in width than 1" (one inch). Also, we will NOT custom make gaskets. Lastly, unless directed otherwise when you place your order, the blotter paper will be folded so that it fits in a standard USPS Flat Rate envelope, which measure 12" x 9".

When ordering, specify the size you want and the type of material. Please use the Secure Order Form -Click Here

Suede Calf Skin

This suede calf skin is 0.031"-0.040" thick. It is used for many kinds of player piano gaskets. The vast majority of gaskets of this type are NOT made from one solid piece of leather. Instead, they are made from pieces, as shown in the diagram below. Constructing the gasket in this fashion dramatically reduces the amount of leather required to make the gasket and, therefore, the cost. In order to reduce waste on our end, we are selling this leather at $0.35 per square inch. The maximum size piece we will cut is 6" x 12". NOTE: This is not "split suede calf skin"! It is only suede on one side. The other side is skin. If necessary for better glue adhesion, the skin side can be sanded with 80-100 grit sandpaper.

This type of leather can also be used in certain kinds of rotary vacuum pumps as flap valves. How it is to be used for flap valves is demonstrated in Craig Brougher's excellent 2-hour presentation on Ampico 'A' Rotary Vacuum Pump Rebuilding. I've put together a short video which shows parts of the process -click here. This leather is also used in certain kinds of valves. How you use the leather is strictly up to you. (When in doubt, test, test, test!! Do not assume anything.)

When ordering, specify the size you want and the type of material. Please use the Secure Order Form -Click Here

Split Suede Calf Skin
(Also called Premium Velour)

This split suede calf skin is 0.045"-0.055" thick. It's used for many kinds of player piano gaskets. This is the type of leather that's recommended by Art Reblitz in his book, "Player Piano Servicing & Rebuilding", (pg 79). In order to reduce waste on our end, we are selling this leather at $0.65 per square inch. The maximum size piece we will cut is 12" x 12".

When ordering, specify the size you want and the type of material. Please use the Secure Order Form -Click Here

1/32" Cork/Nitrile Gasket Material

This is high quality 1/32" thick cork/nitrile gasket material. It is used in a number of valve blocks and windchests. A full sheet is 12" x 24" and sells for $24.00. The minimum size piece we will cut is 6" x 6", which costs $4.00.

When ordering, specify the size you want and the type of material. Please use the Secure Order Form -Click Here

Player Piano Reference Materials - Click Here

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This page was last revised Sept 26, 2024 by John A. Tuttle, who Assumes No Liability
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Expressed within the Pages of the Player-Care Domain.
Cartoon Graphics by E7 Style Graphics (Eric Styles)

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